1) 2 demos, 2ep - creation in 2019, 3 different groups, same musicians ?
Death Dealer: There has been a number of musicians involved in GRÓB since it’s inception. The situation has reached some stability recently and the current line up is:
Death Dealer – wokal
Nekromaniak – gitara
Hesus H. – gitara
Szatan – bas
S.S. – perkusja
Some of the GRÓB members play together in other bands, however it has nothing to do with GRÓB
.(2) lyrics - unknown, what are they talking about?
Death Dealer: Most of our lyrics tell stories about serial killers and other sons of bitches from the communist era Poland. Occasionally we write about other subjects, like war, or darker sides of our society, but conceptually, we stick to the post WW2 and soviet eras
.(3) band - band, where did you get the idea for a new, next project with such a simple name?
Death Dealer: The band’s name (GRÓB means GRAVE in Polish) was coined by Nekromaniak,
he came up music for the first demo as well. After hearing raw versions of the songs
I wrote the lyrics and the whole concept emerged from that. The name seemed to fit,
so we decided to leave it. It turned out it pissed off some people, so we even started to kinda like it.
(4) back to my introduction. Why is this the attitude of the Polish state and why
don't you and these groups strive for a change of attitude towards this kind of music?
I don’t think that the role of a state is to promote any kind of music and I don’t think
that Poland is any different from other countries in respect of not having metal on TV, or radio.
Besides, who cares about TV and radio nowadays? However, if you mean that a band needs money
to manage and promote itself, then that’s obviously true. The money usually comes from record labels.
We are not on any big label, so we finance a lot of things ourselves. But that’s fine with us,
as long as we are able to play crazy gigs and there are people who come to see us wreck the stage.
(5) the word metal in Poland only connotes one thing - Satan. After all, is it a religious or non-tolerant, homophobic state?
Your opinion on this please? Let's go back to the sounds. On your new Ep. I miss the double feet in the drums,
the vocals are not very understandable, I can't get any more. Why is that?
I would’t say that Poland is particularly intolerant, or homophobic. When it comes to religiousness, well,
polish religiousness is usually very shallow and it definitely is in recession. I don’t give two fucks about any religion, it’s not my problem.
As for the sound of the EP, well, we spent a lot of time to make it sound as it does.
Our goal was to make it sound organic and to fuck all the fucked-up trends we have in music production nowadays.
By that I mean the crystal-clear production, clicking bass drums and stuff like that.
We wanted the EP to sound like the actual band is playing, not the computers.
When it comes to vocals, I just sing this way, so I guess it can’t be helped. The lyrics are printed for most of our releases.
(6) Your other projects. Are they musically very different?
I don’t play in any other band at the moment,
the rest of the guys take part in various musical projects, as far as I know some of them are not related to metal.
(7) Wroclaw - blooms again, a large metal scene, many refugees from Ukraine, the city is developing.
Does the mayor of the city help you - residents? As this kind of music?
As I said, the idea that the state should do anything for this,
or any other kind of music doesn’t sit well with me.
I value independence and even the thought that some social money could be used to finance an aggressive, underground metal band seems ridiculous to me.
(8) a lot of politics here, which you also mention on Ep. even sp watching on the cover. Soon the power will change ... and then what?
There’s not a mention of politics on our EP, so I’m not sure where you got the idea from. As I’ve already mentioned,
lyrically, we deal with the past and not in a political context.
(9) I will finish by asking. What are your plans for the future of the band and yourselves?
We will carry on, play gigs and release music, some of which is already mixing, so stay tuned.
(10) thank you for answering the interview, redirect us where and how to knock your music, which has become a message for those who will come after us?
Thanks for having me. You can find our EPs in the Putrid Cult’s shop and most of the polish distros,
we’re on bandcamp as well and you can always drop an e-mail to us directly at grob.band@gmail.com.

I have already interviewed many groups, but I have a problem with you,
there is too little information.
Maybe in this interview you will open our eyes and tell us something more!
1. You were founded in 2019, are you from Szczecin, and?
And we've just released our debut album on Putrid Cult.
2. You know each other from other bands, did you play in which ones?
Hellcult and I used to play in RAPED CHRIST, Witchfucker and I in MÖRTALIST. Both Witchfucker and I have also been involved in CZERNINA, altough not at the same time,
Hellcult used to be in the local legend WISHMASTER, and finally, Witchfucker is also drumming in GAROTA nowadays.
3. You are very young, I only know your age Witchfucker, and the rest of you?
The rest of us, not so young.
4. First demo 2021.5 songs, tell me something about the creation and publisher?
We recorded and produced it by ourselves with little experience in doing so, but it needed to be done at
that point in time, a stepping stone towards greater things. It was published by Sign Of Evil Prod.
5. Second full album, 8 songs, new publisher. Are you satisfied with it and will you stay with this label longer?
We're satisfied. The new label is Putrid Cult. The album has been out for just a few days as of writing this, so it's a bit early for declarations, but it's looking like Morgul is
taking this seriously, and that's of a great thing of course.
6.Concerts ahead of you, and what about those behind you?
We had played maybe 6 or 7 gigs so far, most of them in our hometown and 2 in SÅ‚upsk, and almost all of them were self-organized, but of course we have more of them ahead of us now,
with more variety of places and no need to self-organize.
7. Do you play in Pomerania or only and why?
So far mostly our area, yes, and the reasons being complications in self-organizing a gig in a more remote location, but it's changing now with the album out.
8. What are your plans for the future?
We're recording a new release at the moment, not a full-length though. Details will follow in due time. We'll get a short rest after this, play some gigs, and start writing another album,
I think.
9. Two questions in one: 1. your experience with the Covid 19 infection? 2.do you think Russia can even reach Szczecin?
1. I haven't got infected with covid-19 despite having worked in medical service with pulmonary patients throughout the pandemic period, which confirmed something I had long suspected
anyway, that I'm indestructible and stronger than anyone. I even got hit by a speeding car once and I was fine, and it's actually true.
2. I think this is physically possible but I don't think it will happen, but I may be wrong about the latter, of course.
10.Szczecin, there are a lot of groups there. Do you also have suggestions for concerts in Germany and is it worth it? Is there a music scene there like in 1986?
As of this interview, DOMINANCE hasn't played in Germany yet, but it's probably gonna change next year. We have played there with other bands, Berlin etc., it's different than playing
in Poland for sure. I don't remember the Szczecin metal scene from 1986, though there was one for sure. Nowadays I don't even know that much about what's happening cause I'm busy with
my job and playing with my own bands, I just know what's happening black metal-wise, which is not that hard for me since I'm in most of the bands or playing with their members, and that's
the unholy trinity of DOMINANCE, CZERNINA and GAROTA, another band is HEKATOMB, we know them but they don't play live, so that's about it. If there's anything I don't know about, get in
touch with us, we can arrange some gigs if you're not a bunch of shit talking cunts or drama queens.
11. Thanks for your time and we invite you to concerts in the UK, we need such fire, records, T-shirts, patches. When will it happen ?
Gig organizers get in touch and we're doing this!

pictures from 2.09.2023 in Szczecin by Nikolas Adamski

Zivar - 1. Welcome to Blood Circle zine. We don't know if you've played anywhere before,
but we hear that you know what you're doing and create solid Black Metal - all by yourself?
Hello. Thank you for the opportunity. Yes, I play Atmospheric/Ambient Black Metal with some Depressive elements.
I write and record my songs completely alone. I record the guitars and bass at home, I record the drums in midi,
and I recorded the vocals in a friend's rehearsal room.
2. Six tracks. Will we get a full album soon?
No. According to my plans, the next release will be a 3-song EP. I have already started working on the first song.
3. Song four. Gomez (Witchtrone) on vocals. Why such a choice?
Gomez and I have known each other for years. I follow his musical work.
I also like Witchthrone and Gomez's voice, so I asked him to make a guest appearance on the song "Nincs Kiút".
Fortunately, he liked the idea.
4. You released the music yourself. On some media or only on the Internet? and where is it available?
"Permeteg" is currently available on ITunes, AppleMusic, Spotify, Deezer, Youtube, Instagram and Facebook,
and you can use the music for posts. For now, you can buy it digitally on Bandcamp.
I hope there will be a physical format soon.
5. Your young age. What were your beginnings, how did you find Metal?
I listened to a lot of rock music when I was a little kid. Classics.
Then later, when I was a teenager, came metal music and black metal.
6. Covid, now War - how will it change your life?
I try not to get too caught up in these things. I try to ignore it and live my life.
Of course, I didn't ignore covid precautions.
7. Are you looking for a publisher for the full album? Or you will be alone underground?
I hope that a label will find me. Maybe it will happen with the first full album.
Until then, I will publish the music myself on streaming platforms.
8. Concerts are not possible, but are there any videos planned?
I'm planning lyric videos for now. I haven't thought about the video clip yet.
9. Your scene in Hungary. Can you tell us something about it?
There are many wonderful Atmospheric Black Metal bands in Hungary.
They play amazingly good music. I like the Hungarian Black Metal scene.
10. Who is responsible for graphics and logos?
I photographed and edited the album cover. I also designed/drawn the logo myself,
and then a dear friend of mine helped me digitize it. I wanted to do many things myself in the Zivar project.
11. Thank you for your answers. Your last word is yours.
Thank you for the opportunity. And thank you to everyone who listens to my music.
Follow the Blood Circle zine and listen to a lot of Zivar.

Erupted Evil - 1. Hello - Black / Death / Doom Metal. How do you see and feel the music you play, personally?
Hails to you and all your readers! You started of with a difficult one, hehe.
Our music is a mash up of everything we listen to. So you get a mix of what plays in our guts.
It’s obvious that the music you like and listen to inspires you in ways you aren’t even aware of.
You can see it on our album, every track is in a bit different styling,
but we try to keep it within the lines of death and doom metal.
We do not have any special bounders or limitations, we get our ideas together on rehersals,
and if it sounds good to us it gets recorded…eventually hehe.
2. You were formed 6 years ago. You released your last EP on Fallen Temple.
Is there a new album coming from the same label?
Yes, the new stuff is ready to be record, it has been ready for some time now, but these days it’s not easy to get
together in the studio and make things happen. We hope to finish the recordings within few months and release
the record via the almighty Fallen Temple. You’ll get 8 new tracks and a cover (traditionally).
This time there will be more death metal than doom so the record will be a bit faster than our previous work.
Details and “sneak peeks” will be available on our Facebook page, when the time comes.
3. There are three of you, two of you know each other from other groups.
Something more about the young man, where did he come from and under what circumstances?
We know each other for over 25 years or so, during with we drank a lot of alcohol,
and shared some amazing adventures, hehe. MÅ‚ody, just wasn’t active in any band.
He used to play just for the fun of it. So when Sobiech came out with the idea for the band,
we went out drinking and got the whole thing started.
4. Plock, is the scene strong there? What does it look like on Masovia?
PÅ‚ock is a small city, so the scene is small. Of course we have the mighty,
ass kicking Kingdom, there also is (or was, I’m not sure) death metal Baalberith, trashing Concatenation,
Sludge Metalers from Parh, and Grindcore by Necrosodomistical Slaughter.
Mostly these are the same musicians playing different stuff in different bands,
as I mentioned earlier, it is a small city. Sad thing is, that I can’t think of any band formed by teenagers,
or at least a bunch of guys in their twenties. That just ghost to show you that our local scene is slowly dying.
As for the Masovian stage, just go to Warsaw, and check it out,
because that it the place where things are happening in the Mazovia Voivodeship.
5. Covid and now the war behind the fence. How did it affect you personally and as a group?
Pandemic was a difficult time for all of us, but I don’t think that it affected us personal or as a band.
Shure it was frustrating and sometimes even grotesque, but we learned to live with it.
Unfortunately the world survived and we are still here fighting our personal demons.
As for the bend, the only affect was that we had even less opportunities to play.
And the war… well war newer changes, no matter when it take place. Its both fascinating and horrifying at the same time,
but again we learned to live with it. War can also inspire,
we have a lot of examples where metal music and war connect,
some of them bad and unlistenable (Sabaton) some of them brilliant (Bolt Thrower).
“As man fights man; In the epic struggle for survival; The warmaster shall reign;
With oppression fed by a burning hate”. Erupted Evil was newer about war,
so you won’t get that sort of thing from us. We are all about the devil, ghouls,
vampires and all kinds of demons who desire your flesh, blood and soul.
6. Finally, thank you for the interview and your time. Now advertising and fire for the fans !
Thx for the opportunity to share some Erupted Evil with you.
For more just fallow our Facebook page (https://m.facebook.com/people/Erupted-Evil/100046798336848/?locale=pl_PL),
or visit Fallen Temple’s bandcamp at https://fallentemple.bandcamp.com/

HROB - 1.band is from Slovakia. What does the name mean and what does it mean to you?
Hrob means Grave in english, for me it is the name for the graveyard music we play.
2. you were formed in 2021, first demo in 2023. Why so long?
The songs for the demo were already composed in the summer of 2022,
then the release was delayed by lineup change and also because of my health problems.
Also the fact that we play in other bands caused a delay
3. You are already playing a concert. How? with four songs ? from one demo?
Besides the songs from the demo we played 2 songs that will appear on the planned full-length
record or maybe split album. We also played one cover song by the band Gorement.
4. I saw a review in the Polish "codziennik metalowy", a solid review. What is your opinion about it?
We are very happy for every review we receive.
Especially when it's written outside of our county as in the case of "codziennik metalowy"
5. The Slovak scene is quite big. Are you not thinking about releasing the album in a Polish company?
We currently have tapes from Atomic Vision Prod.(Owned by Vrana, our bass player) and CDs from Witchhammer Prod.
from Thailand. If we get a good offer from Poland we have no problem relasing album there.
6. Covid and the war in the east. What effect does it have on you?
Covid hit us minimally because when the band got going it was already gone.
The war in the east is impacting us like every citizen of slovakia regarding price rises etc.
7. You play in other groups. Why now in HROB ?
We originally started Hrob as a side project and since the interest in the demo has exceeded our expectations,
it became our main point of focus.
8.When will the full album, T-shirts, patches etc?
T-shirts and cassettes are now available on our bandcamp.
We plan to record a full-length album when we finish songwriting. Which should be sometime next year or so
9. Thank you for your time and answers. Can you add something at the end?
Thanks for the interview and the support from the fans! -Michal from HROB