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1. Pomerania Bydgoszcz, Fred has been with you the longest, did he start a band?
-  Fred (meaning me 🙂 ) I am the oldest member of the band. However, I was not the one who founded it. Before I joined the band (probably in 1988), there were 2 other guitarists. The founder of the band was the then drummer Jarek Koźbial.


2.Wyrok - what does the band's name mean to you?
-  The name is the same. Everyone can interpret it differently. I liked her from the very beginning. I associated it with something strong, indisputable, specific and absolute. My Sentence is to serve in music until the very end :). Most people associate the Sentence with something bad, but let's remember that the Sentence may be a conviction or an acquittal :).
My verdict is to devote myself to music. :)


3. Two full albums and one demo. Isn't that too little for so many years of existence/playing? Why this way?
-  There was also the EP "Espania" :). Why so little? Once we are a bit older, we have our own families, children, professional work that takes up quite a lot of our time. It happens that a person came back from the tour after 12 hours straight to a rehearsal. (without food) The drummer is a sales representative and such things happen to him, I for 21 years, the same, others did the same. In addition, frequent personnel changes also slowed us down and lost our rhythm. However, we do not give up and we intend to continue :)


4.Concerts in Poland! What is the audience's response? Have you played, are you playing or will you play outside Poland?

-  The concert in Poland was great, but there were also worse. Mainly because of the low attendance. Sometimes we played for thousands of people and sometimes we played for a handful of fans. ) If there is an opportunity to play abroad and we do not have to pay extra for this deal, we will be happy to play anywhere in the world. Maybe except Russia. I have always been afraid of this country, and now I am convinced that going there is not the best idea.


5. A number of changes in the lineup. What's going on, why don't you have a permanent lineup? Will someone new join you soon?

-  As for squads and changes, we are simply unlucky. Either someone goes abroad permanently, or starts a family and doesn't want to continue playing, sometimes work got in the way and didn't allow it (delegations, non-standard working hours, etc. etc.) In any case, every person who joined our team was unique and had great potential. We parted amicably and each time we deeply regretted and experienced the departure of a person from the band. We keep in touch with the vast majority of them and in the event of an anniversary or something similar we can count on them.


6.Plans for the near future! Maybe a new album? Concerts? Mechs? E.t.c.

- Plans. We are working on a new album. The material is almost finished. We are trying to have demo versions of all songs ready by the end of the year. The announcement of the new album are 3 lyrics that have already been recorded and. 2 are available on t and on Spotify. This is the song by Monolith and Gryffin /watch?v=ihskt3uj11U Soon we will release 3 titled Pandemic. Next year there should be an album, new T-shirts and maybe some other gadgets. Keep your fingers crossed for us :)


7. How would you encourage new fans to listen to you?

- I recommend our CDs. Judgment in a physical version is still available. Just write to our Judgment on FB page or to me on FB. The remaining material can be listened to on the band's channel. You can find the correct YT channel through Gryffin and Monolith's lyrics. I also encourage you to come to our concerts. You won't be disappointed. A blast is guaranteed!


8.Covid 19, war in the east. how did it affect you, did it change something and did it fix anything, and do you think that Russians can even come to Bydgoszcz? (the rocket was already close)?

-  At the beginning of Covid 19, we took it very seriously and followed the recommendations. After some time, we relaxed a bit. It certainly disrupted the entire activity of the band. The clubs in the city where we played concerts started to crumble, and we even had our own edition party called "Judgement". Day ". Rehearsals, concerts, everything fell apart. The band began to function normally after a while, but the clubs went bankrupt and everything is being repaired very slowly. It will probably take a lot of time, at least in our city, for everything to return to the condition it was in before the pandemic. I don't think Russia will enter Bydzia. I sincerely hope that the fact of our country's NATO membership will stop these people from attacking our country. What the hell is going on with this rocket, there are so many versions in circulation that you can really go crazy :). I think this is a deliberate introduction of such confusion and we will never know what it was or why.


9. Thank you for your time and answers, the end of the interview is up to you. I'll just add - Horns Up.

-  Word for Sunday?:) Greetings to all fans of metal music and music in general. Let's try not to let this music be eaten by other types of music or music-like creations. (see Zenek M.: SÅ‚awomir, etc. As long as the bands play , and people will come to concerts, buy records and listen to real music, as long as there is hope that Metal, Rock n' Roll will not die. Let's all fight for it "Until the last drop of blood" :) I cordially invite you to our concerts and to listen to our songs on our YT channel - or Spotify or Best regards!

1. Hello, the Morrath group was founded in 2012 from Greater Poland. Tell me a few words about the group? You are all from the band Prowler. Is Morrath's music very different?


Cheerz, to be clear, the band was formed in 2017 haha. The story is simple, our bassist Mieszko and I met in secondary school, found out that we like similar music and started hanging out together listening to it and fool around our hometown - Rawicz. After some time we decided to form a band and started playing hc punk inspired thrash metal, even though we couldn't play our instruments above the level of three-chords punk riffs. It was the first incarnation of Prowler. Time went forward, there were many line-up changes with us two being the only founding members left. We made new material and got rid of old songs a few times and in 2019 we reached something we could call a stable lineup, moved our rehearsals to Leszno and started playing local gigs more often than before. We released a demo-EP and in 2020 we had a change in drummer position. We pushed our playing into a more extreme direction and made better songs, so we did not even want to play old ones live anymore. We decided to change our name to have a fresh start and I’m not gonna lie - there were tons of bands called Prowler before us - Morrath sounds more original. So it was more like an evolution, but Morrath music is more extreme, when Prowler stuff was more thrash metal. We are still based in Leszno, Greater Poland, even though Mieszko and I moved to Poznan in recent years. In april we released our debut full-length ‘Centuries of Blindness’, which has received some appreciation and we play shows presenting this material live. To say more about us, we take inspirations mainly from old-school stuff like Morbid Angel, early Suffocation, early Immolation, Deicide, Vital Remains, thrash-era Sepultura, among many others. We want to pursue our own vision of old-school aggression and make something what maybe won’t blaze new trails, but will stand out from the rest of the old-school stuff.


2. You are all very young, already with a lot of experience and life's baggage. What are your plans for the future?


I am 22, so as our second guitarist and bassist, our vocalist is 23 and our drummer 25 - you can judge if we are young or not haha. Life writes its scenarios and we have to live with it and take what we want and can get from it. If we are talking about private plans, everyone has different plans, but we are adults - we have to work for a living and do other adult stuff, we are not popular enough to be free from this haha. One thing is certain among all of us - we’re not gonna stop playing and contribute to the metal underground, it has become our main activity other than work, education, everyday duties etc. This is the fact I can tell about every guy from our commando.


3. The group is developing, publishing, giving concerts, etc. Are there plans for concerts and trips outside Poland?


Yeah, we are pushing it, we are making new music, playing as many good shows as we can, and we wanna take over as much underground as we are able to. We wanna explore our vision of extreme metal, make new albums that we will be more and more satisfied with and go forward into bigger stages and better performances. Coming back to the question, we have played one show in Prague this year and have plans to go abroad more in near future. We are in contact with some bands and promoters so STAY TUNED!


4. Covid, war, - did it or did not affect you?


Starting with covid - it made a big impact on us as well as the rest of society. You know, the fuckin’ quarantine, being locked in our homes, no live shows, no the life we got used to before. Some people died because of it. Anyway there was one plus in that situation. We were locked in our rehearsal room, there were no live shows and other shit to distract us, so we could focus on writing new better material, playing together, honing our skills. We recorded and released our first demo-EP under the Morrath name during that period. All of it made it possible to make a bigger step forward and when the shows become permitted again we went on the stage as a band that has reformed, became better - better skills, tighter playing, better show and last but definitely not least - better songs. In the beginning of last year the war in Ukraine started. Yes, it affected us. Just next to our border people are fighting with guns and dying because of some stupid dorks’ megalomania. Some of our more anti-war and anti-megalomania lyrics were inspired by it. We were invited to play on one charity show helping the victims - we played there. This shit is serious and I think it affects any man who has at least some empathy or something.


5. The end is yours!


Thanks for having us, thanks for this interview, we appreciate it. The fact that zines like this are read, the attendance at underground shows, feedback bands like we receive - it all shows that the metal scene is alive and doing well! We don’t have to be in the mainstream with radio airplay and videos in MTV like in the past to function and make music, have fun at shows and celebrate this musical extreme. And it should be kept as long as we can keep it - I’m telling it as a musician and as a metalhead, fan of this music and a guy who attends underground shows himself. Support the bands, go to gigs, buy merch - it all lets the underground bands do their shit better and release new stuff more often. Have fun at gigs and have fun listening to the albums. Metal is the music we love and we are the ones that keep this scene alive and vital, so just keep doing it! For the glory of the underground! ~Bartek - guitar

Morlord - a very young group from Poland, released a demo/EP in 2023 and such success. Let's talk to them a little.

1. Hello, tell us a little about your group?

Ave, Drac here. Morlord is actually a group of kids brought up on classic metal (from thrash and heavy to death and black, each of us listens to slightly different genres). Our contractual creation date is March 11, 2023, when we first met in the first line-up (Drac, Sarcofago, Loki). After a short time, Nina (formerly Akhharu, changed her nickname to Baba) joined us. We often hear from old metalheads that we play like an old kreator or morbid angel, but at the same time they say that we contain something "our own", so to speak. We try not to limit ourselves to one genre, maybe that's why you can notice such an element of personality in us.

2. You have just been established and already such a success. What made it happen?

All of us in the band are surprised by how quickly we manage to break through subsequent layers of the underground. Some people will say it's luck, others gonna say contacts. Personally, I consider it a gift from fate, I always believe that if you want something very much, you will achieve it. I'm a dreamer, otherwise I wouldn't have jumped into the sun by starting a band at such a young age. We have worked and still working hard to get where we are now and we are grateful to everyone who helped us to get there.

3.You haven't played in other groups before. Why ?

We actually played in other bands before, but they were such small garage bands that no one heard of them. Me and Sarcofago previously played in a band called Pogłos, we released one song but it was total shit and we never played live. The bass player also played in a local band. Only in Baba's case this is her first band.

4. The 4th track on "post mortem" is a tribute to: phantasmagoria. Tell me something about it?

(Tribute to) Phantasmagoria is not accidental, my uncle (Bzyku) played in Phantasmagoria. He was the one who gave me a passion for the guitar, showed fucking awesome music and introduced me to the whole world of metal. Moreover, he subsidized Morlord more than once. I wanted to repay him this way and the band was in favor of it.

5. Your plans for the future, concerts, etc.

Our plans are, I must admit, quite ambitious. Currently, we have two concerts planned, one at "Dwa Åšwiaty" in ToruÅ„ and the other at "The Last Words Of Death" in Bydgoszcz. We also want to play in Warsaw, Olsztyn, Kraków (generally most of bigger Polish cities) in the near future. We are also already writing material for the first, full-fledged morlord album. It will be sharper and more mature than its predecessor

6. AKHKHARU (Nina), how did you get  into the group?

Nina didn't get into the band so much as I invited her. She's my old homie, I knew she plays guitar (we were looking for a second guitar). So I thought, I'll actually suggest it to her. Baba agreed and she's been playing with us ever since.

7. Covid, War, a missile near you, problems in the Middle East - your opinion, did it affect you?

It did not affect us in any way, Covid is already passing, a few people we know got sick but fortunately there were no losses. As for all these bad things near us, we are inspired by them. We are now at the stage of writing new riffs, I once read that Heatfield, while writing the music for Master of Puppets, watched World War II in color. I thought I would also try to be inspired by the war, I have been watching videos from battlefields in Ukraine for some time now, it greatly influences creativity. Of course, we do not support war or any other problems in the world.

8. Your local scene. Do you recommend or discourage anyone?

The Polish scene is awesome. We often go to concerts of local bands and we are delighted, I don't think we would discourage anyone, but I have to recommend a few bands. It's important to mention Unborn Suffer, grindcore that will blow your mind, our producer plays there and I always mosh like crazy when I hear them. Crippling Madness is equally worth recommending. Arise, Beneath the remains + Polish lyrics = Crippling madness. I'm a big fan of them. Morrath is also awesome, I could write for a long time about which bands I recommend and why, but it would take a few pages so I'll just list them: Buddah, ZmarÅ‚ym, Czort, Popiór, Kontagion, Fatigue, Tassack, Exul, Aborcja, Witchmaster, Leprozorium , Stos, Deathinition, Sexmag, Frontside and much more

9 . thank you for your answers and time. Good luck in this business, and finally it's your time to advertise the group and the publishing house.

Also thank you for the interview. Listen to Post Mortem, show us to your friends and of course JEBAĆ MORLORD!

1. Hello, thank you for doing an interview for my web-zine. Tell us where are you from, what is your project and where is it going?
- We are a music group from Canada. More precisely from the province of Quebec. My current musical project is Apocryphes.

2. Have you played in other bands before? what made you take this form?
-  My very first band was formed in 1999 under the name Through Sombre Sorrowfield. We only did one show.
In 2000, I formed a second band called Fathomless Oracle. Recording of 7 songs in Studio, but no release in stores or streaming.
In parallel with my former drummer we created the group Trails of Anguish. And we made 2 EP albums in 2000 and 2003.
Afterwards I gave up everything.
And 20 years later, in January 2023. I'm doing the same thing as before, starting Trails of Anguish again and having my project under the name Apocryphes.
In fact it was my former bassist who wanted to play music for fun and I feel like reconnecting with the pleasure of playing.


3. How many issues have you published and with what interest?
-  Apocryphes is brand new since August 2023. We are in the process of composing songs. No date determined. You have to connect family, work and music. We hope to make an album by the end of 2024, beginning of 2025.
The interest is simple, it's to make the album because I like playing black metal and especially creating songs. People who like Trails of Anguish will probably also like Apocryphes.


4. How would you describe your music and what do you want to tell us with it?
-  The musical style will resemble Trails of Anguish, but more melodious like Swedish black metal. And overall, will be a little more brutal than black in general.
I just want people to feel good while listening to our music.


5. Is there a large Black scene in your country, or maybe you were involved in its beginnings?
-  I am completely disconnected from the music scene. I think in Canada the scene is more death metal. There are very few Black Metal bands in our country.
In 2000 with Trails of Anguish, we probably contributed to the Black Metal scene in Quebec.


6. Are you able to perform? What is your opinion about Black's concerts today? Are they still shocking or boring? Do people still get something out of them or do they just spend time because they have nothing else to do? stagnation or cult?
-   We could do few shows, but not too many. I don't like being in front of a stage. That was it 20 years ago, maybe today I would like that. lol
-  The only concerts I could go see are groups I knew 20 years ago like At the Gate, Dissection, Dark Funeral. I don't have an opinion on black metal concerts because I don't go to see them.
-  It's true that people who listen to black metal in concert don't move for that long. I think they appreciate the music, they are attentive.


7. Tell me something about the lyrics. Do you spare no expense in your message or do you use censorship?
- Most of my songs are quite oriented towards sadness, pain, the difficulty of living, the rage of always suffering and the hope of getting back up.
  Life is difficult and full of pitfalls, facing them is not easy. And strangely enough, even though it's black metal, I find the music calming and pleasant to hear.


8. Would you describe yourself/the project as an extreme underground or just a way to make money?
-  I don't do this music for money otherwise I would have played commercial and accessible music. My project is meant to be Melodic Black Metal. Yes, underground music

9. We have experienced the Covid 19 plague (in fact, it is the second plague from China in our history that we know of), there is a war going on outside Poland, Palestine and Israel are also soaked in blood. What is your geopolitical opinion?
-  I have no opinion. Except that I find it sad that innocent people who didn't ask for anything die. We must follow the war regulations and evacuate the civilians.
Create a humanitarian corridor from the first day


10. Referring to question (9), what does your country look like today and what did it look like 25 years ago?
-  Our country has not changed in 25 years. Fortunately, peace reigns. A very vast territory, there is room and it is good to live there. Except for winters that are too cold. lol


11. Political correctness, censorship, AI computer technology. Can we save ourselves from this, or have we already given up and such a move as in 1992 in Norge will no longer be possible?
-  I don't know what it is about in Norway. I am against censorship and for freedom of expression

12. Thank you for your time. Finally, tell us where we can find and buy your music so that we can listen to it forever?
-   You can Buy or listen (Spotify, Youtube Music, Apple) to my band Trails of Anguish.
  My two Trails of Anguish EP albums will be re-released as a full album around January 2024.
  Buy :
  Stream :

  And for my group Apocryphes, the album is planned for the end of 2024. Follow us on Facebook.
  Follow :
Re-released (Trails of Anguish) Jannuary 2024

Aprocryphes album is also available on Spotify. But the musical style is no longer the same, but with the same singer and bassist

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