Welcome to another #6. At the beginning of this issue, we will start with a scene from Poland, a conversation with the band
KALT VINDUR. Let's read what they have to tell us.
1.First of all, thank you for your time and the moment for the interview. Briefly introduce the history of the founding of your band ?
Hello, it feels like a long time ago, our first rehearsals took place in 2015, after a few months there were personnel changes, after which the line-up stabilised and we recorded with the new line-up (Celsus - voc, Svart - guitars S - bass, Xakhariash - drums ) the debut material entitled "Delusions" released by the Polish Mara Production in 2017. The material was well received in the Polish underground and the band played the first gigs for which the second guitarist Ver joined the line-up, who already remained in the band permanently. The second album "...And Nothing Is Endless" was released in 2020 by Witching Hour Production on CD and cassette, the album was positively received,among listeners, and the band's recognisability also increased. January 2024 saw the release of our latest album 'Magna Mater' by Greece's The Circle Music.
2. My favourite track from the new album is Visions Of Purification, although I appreciate the whole album very much. Tell us something about the making of the album, the lyrics, how was it received by the fans?
The album has been very enthusiastically received, with regular reviews and emails from listeners praising and congratulating us on the album!
The recordings were made in several stages, first there were basic guitar arrangements, followed by a drum recording session, after which I worked in my home studio on changes to the guitar parts, at the same time S worked on the bass guitar parts and Ver on the solo guitar parts. As for the vocals, they were recorded systematically after the drum session. Lyrics are Celsus' vocalist's department so maybe I will skip this topic...

3. You are from southern Poland, not far from Ukraine, tell us how it is there now and how it was during the time of Covid, did all this affect you as a band ?
Back in the C-19 days you couldn't play gigs and the media were brainwashing ;-) I live near mountains and forests so I relaxed in nature.
At the moment the media are still brainwashing, it is best not to expose yourself to them but still seek the truth with a dose of distance....
4. It's hard for me to figure out what is your age and what was your history in metal music ? Say something about it...
Some of us are already in our 40s others before our 30s, the age difference doesn't cause us a problem, we understand each other and get along well.
Everyone has their own story... The most important thing is that we have met and have the enthusiasm to play!

5. Tell me, do you play live and what are the chances of seeing you outside of Poland ?
Yes, we play gigs and they are said to be our forte, and as far as going outside Poland is concerned, we are waiting for good proposals.
6. Any concert plans?
This year we are concentrating on playing live and have already played a dozen or so concerts, with a few more to come in Zamość, Warsaw and Opole.

7. Such a geopolitical question: how far do you think they can go to change the world as we know it ? Or do your texts talk about this ?
Our texts do not address these topics. And as far as current events are concerned, we are dealing with a mechanism similar to the one in the time of the C-19 escalation of fear, programming and dividing people, the propaganda in the mainstream media and often on the internet is enormous.... How far will they go to change our world ? Who knows? What is certain is that they paint their dreams with blood....
8. The end is yours, how would you recommend your music to those who don't know it yet and whose hearts will be captured after the first listen ? Horns Up .
Thanks to you Seducer for the interview! Our music will probably appeal to open-minded people who like variety, cool atmosphere, melody and predation in sounds ;-)
Greetings to all who read, I wish you health and peace!

1.In the name of Lucifer, hello, to begin with, tell us the history of your group, which is very long because it dates back to the time of the 1990s, when there was no such technology as today, the beer tasted different and even the food was different. But let's focus on your musical history.
Luca L.C.: The band was founded by Luca and the idea was to play a technical brutal death metal, which then evolved to embrace other subgenres. Beyond labeling the past and present musical style, Luca's initial philosophy which always characterized the band's philosophy was to never take DIRECT inspirationS from any band in particular.
2.As I mentioned at the beginning it was quite a long time ago, but you also had a time when nothing was happening and only Luca and Nick are still together, the rest of the guys are gone. What was the reason for such situations?
Luca L.C.: Nick joined the band after the second demo, and since then he has always remained and been the mind of the lyrical compositions, while Luca has always taken care of the music. The other elements have always been transitory and the reasons are the most disparate. It would take too long to talk about it as about ten people have changed in these years.

3.Let's go back to the terrible times today. You've released a new album, tell us something about it, how did you create it, what are the lyrics about and how different it is from the previous ones, if it's different.
Luca L.C.: The main difference between this latest album and the previous one is the presence of a real drummer who was able to add value where it was needed. The excellent production perfected the whole thing.
4.Let's stay with the new album. What are the lyrics about? What are they talking about and what do you want to convey to your listeners?
Luca L.C.: We prefer to let listeners discover it track by track. Anyway the topics on this album are about human decadence, perverse catholicism, obsession and delirium, esotericism.

5.You play quite a specific kind of Black Metal that can be liked by many people (and I think they do). My question is who inspire you and if nobody, how did you create such a specific way?
Luca L.C.: Luca dedicates a lot of time to finding riffs. The riffs that start the pieces arise spontaneously, and are immediately recorded (in 90's with the tape player, today with the PC). Then the piece is built accordingly little by little. Nick then searches for the most suitable texts and together with Luca studies the metrics.
6.My next question is one of the ones I ask everyone, but it affected us quite a bit! Covid and the whole period – how was it for you and did it affect your team as well or maybe personally?
Luca L.C.: We were ready to play live and this period blocked us. At the same time we took advantage of free time to found another band: Nex Feretrum.

7.Geoplic question - War in the east, conflict in Palestine, another one is brewing in Taiwan and the return of Russia's claws to Europe. What is your opinion and the present day and the stoic silence of the church institution on all this?
Luca L.C.: There are already many geopolitical experts who speak on TV and many other self-styled experts who write on social media. You don't need one more. What do you expect from the Church? We can even avoid talking about this.
8.What are your concert plans, can we see you in Europe soon, and if they are willing, can they invite you to a concert and how can they contact you and fans, where and how can they buy your albums and various gadgets?
Luca L.C.: Our logistical situation is complicated and for us playing is a big waste of time and money. Nonetheless we are working on playing live and would be grateful to be invited to England.

9.I would like to thank you for your time and we look forward to the concerts in the UK. The last words are yours !
Oh my Lord, who sits up there, your reign is accomplished. To me the earth, to me the bodies, to me the souls! I dominate and annihilate all the kings of this world. From 鏑ilith・by R. De Gourmont,1892.

Hail. Despite the season for concerts, a busy schedule and a difficult situation in the country, the guys from ASKEESI - Georgia found time for Blood Circle. Let's read what they have to tell us, all of us.
1. Hello, you are from Georgia, we don't know much about you, tell us a few words about the origins of the band in which you do everything yourself.
Before "Askeesi", I had various musical projects, mainly creating music about social and political themes. I wanted to write about more existential and personal topics.
I am a painter by profession, and at some point, I wanted to turn the themes I was painting into musical compositions. That's why "Askeesi" was created, which was originally a One Man Band project.

2. The project has existed for 4 years, you have released 2 albums. Do you think it's not enough?
During these four years, I released two full length albums and one split album. I am currently working on my third full length album, which is scheduled to be released this fall, and I also recently finished working on a split album with one of my favorite Finnish bands, Kalmankantaja.

3. What do your lyrics talk about, are they only related to Black Metal?
The theme changes in every album, however, all these albums have a common thread - a relationship between man and nature. I will refer to the mentioned topic in the new album but with more of a Georgian touch. What I mean is that this album will be related to the ancient Georgian wood cults and legends, which I research periodically with specialists in the relevant field.
4. Covid - what did it look like in your country, were there severe restrictions like in Western Europe?
It affected Georgia quite badly, many people died and the economic situation worsened, it's been rough. I had more time for music and self-immersion. This period positively affected my productivity.

5. Geopolitical question - War with Russia, Russia close to us, close to you, and what will happen next, do you think?
Before Russia invaded Ukraine, it touched the independence of Georgia more than once, seized Georgian territories, and tried to take away our national identity and language, at this moment Russia occupies 20 percent of the country, and Georgians are being kidnapped and killed by torture. We support Ukraine, because we know and experience the cruelty and evil that is called Russia every day.
6. How would you describe your music to those who haven't heard it?
In my opinion, my music is a journey through ancient Georgian legends and cults with a special involvement of nature.

7.Georgia - we don't know anything about her, describe your scene to us if you can!
The Georgian metal scene has a short but interesting history. From my point of view, today is one of the best periods of the Georgian heavy scene in terms of the number and quality of bands. We have a world-class DSBM band called “Psychonaut 4,” everyone who listens to this genre around the world, knows them. We have several high-class bands in subgenres like “xResistenciAx,” “ Dismorial,” etc. I really don't want to miss anyone, so I won't list them separately.
8. Where and how can we find your music and fall in love with it or draw positive influences?
Currently, on Bandcamp and YouTube, Spotify will be added as soon as the new album is released.
Bandcamp: https://askeesiofficial.bandcamp.com/

9.The ending is yours!
While working on the new album, I learned so many interesting facts and stories that I want many people to hear about it. It is the journey of a desperate person and a search for hope in the past, myths, and legends through nature. Georgia is one of the oldest countries with a great culture, distinctive history, language, and writing. We are warriors with an impressive and proud past. Georgian people and nature have always been intertwined. I want to bring these topics forward once again because nature is the greatest and fairest teacher! It dies and is reborn every year. Thank you and good luck!

1.Hello Heavy Steeler. Thank you for your time and interview. I met your group for the first time in 2024, I'm very glad that YT spit you out on the desktop. I don't regret it. You've been on the scene for 10 years now. Tell us about your beginnings!?
Hello. Thanks for having me. Diabolic Night was founded in late summer/early autumn in 2013.
It was some kind of natural development of a late teenage music fanatic whose biggest wish was to write his own music and create his very own vision of musical expression of the albums he listened to since his early youth.
2.You have been together for 10 years, time is running out, you have only released two albums. Why does it take you so little and so long to create new albums?
Additionally to those two albums, I also released a demo cassette & Mini-LP in 2014 and a 7“-Single in 2015 back then. I am the kind of „quality over quantity“ person and focus myself insanely
in the progress of writing and recording my music. Since the moment I put Diabolic Night to life I am running it mostly by my own, from the start of songwriting in the musical and lyrical ways, the recording process, the layout & even the distribution on my own small label Mortal Rite Records which was also founded in 2013 back then. In 2018 my good friend Christhunter joined Diabolic Night as a session and live drummer to bring his furious Witchhunter-like drumming in the music while I stick to all guitars, bass, vocals and some additional instruments like synthesizers in my intros and so on. These are one of the main reasons why it takes way longer as when you are working in the typical band construct where every member throws some ideas into the project of an album or whatever.

3.Concerts, meetings with the audience. Is it frequent and do you like it?
I am a big fan of visiting concerts of my favorite live acts and travel around. When it comes to live apperances of Diabolic Night I limit it to a handful of gigs per year, so it stays some kind of a special event, for the fans and also for me. We had some amazing times playing on festivals like Muskelrock (SWE), Thrash Nightmare (CZ), House Of The Holy (AUT), Raging Death Date (Ger), Der Detze Rockt (GER) etc.
4.I listened to your recordings and I must admit that the new album is wonderful, it shows your skill in playing and creating. How was and is the reception of the new album by fans and are you satisfied with it as a whole?
Thanks a lot – Glad you like the record. The receptions of the new record were great so far. There is a lot variety in many parts as it reflects my musical inspiration. This was and always will be my main reason in writing music.

5.New album - I didn't find the lyrics - what do they say and what do you want to tell us with them?
With this record I challenged myself and fulfilled my wish of writing a concept album by myself. To sum it up shortly - The focus lies on the fictional realm called „Arktares“ and invites the listener to a journey through old tales and the endless war which resulted out of these tales.
6.German scene - what is it like today and what was it like back then? (in my humble opinion, your vocals and style sometimes sound like Mem von Stein-Exumer).
In today’s German scene there is a handful of awesome acts, some which are around for quite a longer time now and also some newer acts which also caught my attention in the past. To be honest, I am not focussing on newer music that much in the past years for several reasons but from time to time you get the possibility to explore some great stuff. My musical inspiration is more into the albums of forty (and more) years ago, so I am more focussed to a time where I wasn’t born yet.

7.I see from the photos that you are a fan of the first Dimmu Borgir (me too). Has the Norwegian scene had and still has an influence on your work?
I am a big fan of the early work of Dimmu Borgir and tried to capture the atmosphere of some explicit norwegian acts into my current album. Dimmu Borgir e.g. was on my first Black Metal acts, which I discovered back then when they were on the front cover of a German Metal magazine in 2005.

8.When can we expect a new album, concerts and where can we buy CDs etc?
What I can already say is that I am currently focussed fanatically on new material which will contain the most melodic, fastest and most straight forwarded songs I have done so far. This upcoming record will be my personal tribute to the real German Metal of the past, responsible for giving birth to one of the most intense records the world has seen since today. The music is already finished - At the moment I am in the process of writing the lyrics.
9.I leave the last words to you in the name of Lucifer. Seducer - Blood Circle zine! 2024y.
Watch out for the Teutonic Assault!


1. Hello, first of all, tell us the history of the creation of the project - Putrefact Christ, and what was the reason for it?
: it wasn't actually planned, I was at home playing, I recorded some songs, I liked the result, so I knew I should launch the project and take the opportunity to spread more anti-Christian hatred haha
He decides that he would use Putrefact Christ to remember what true black metal is without frills, without fads or selling out in exchange for fame...
2. Technical question: Is it easier for you to play and create on your own or maybe you don't have anyone around you like you or maybe you don't know how to create with others?
: at the beginning I didn't really have anyone around... today I don't want anyone around haha, but it's much easier and faster to do everything my way in my own time, it's perfect for me.

3. Listening to your last album is like touching a nun's tit... you know it's inappropriate but you want more and more. Can you take it anyway?
: haha inappropriate for Christians...for me I think it's very appropriate haha...nothing in Christianity deserves respect, they themselves taught us this when from the beginning they disrespected our Gods...people and cultures everywhere, I think until I still took it easy on this album.
4. The Brazilian Black scene is permeated with the power and atmosphere of Lucifer. What is it that causes young people to reject the dogmas of the church?
: I think we were well influenced from the beginning by bands like Sarcópago for example... and times have changed, the church is increasingly weakening not only here but all over the world, the vast majority of its "faithful" haha have been corrupted since their pastors stealing from the faithful, priests raping altar boys, even teenagers who fall into the temptation of listening to Black Metal, even if they are posers, they are still being corrupted by the dogmas of the church, they failed their God!! victory is ours anyway.... One or two more generations will pass and the church will be finished, its days are numbered
Satan Reigns!

5. Geo-historical-geographical-political question: there are still areas in Brazil where Indians live. What happened to you, was it due to the colonization of Portugal, and why don't the people and the country return to your language and roots. What keeps you from it was like it is?
: this is something very distant, today we are more than 200 million indigenous population and less than 1%...there are many cultures here, many entire families came here from various places in Europe, here in the south where I live for example and one german city
They are all Brazilians like everyone else, but their culture of origin is not indigenous, understand.
6. Let's get back to the music. Your Black Metal, European Black Metal, Norwegian Black Metal, Australian Black Metal, American Black Metal: how much do you think they are different or the same?
: I don't like to define it like that, I'm going to do Black metal and it will probably sound like the bands that most influenced me or if I want to do something totally different, I'll only separate it into real Black metal full of hate and evil that says fuck up to everything and everyone.....and bad black metal fake shit made to please the media.
7. The new album, how is it received by fans and are you satisfied with it? "...you reap what fruit you sow."
: It looks like it was much better than I expected, as it was the first I'm really surprised with the result.

8. Let's finally go back to the 1990s, a fraction of history. There are churches in Norway, it's shocking, the media doesn't believe what's happening. I ask: Were there any cases in Brazil at that time that we don't know about?
: not that I remember..., as I said here, it's a very big place, I would be happy to know that it happened haha... But if it didn't happen, I really hope that it will happen soon... there are churches too much here.
9. Finally, give us the word of Lucifer and tell us where we can buy and listen to your dark music? Thank you for the interview and I wish you to walk the path of the lion's hand for a long time and lead your fans and the Black family along this path. Horns Up.
: I appreciate the opportunity to be here! Now available on Bandcamp, Spotify, on July 7th a cassette release is scheduled with Jems labels.