Hail, let's move to the mountains, forests and valleys of the Slovak Ruins, and more precisely the Ruiny Vekov. Read what - Unholy , has something
to tell you!

1.Slava, thank you for accepting the interview. You've been around since 2019, but first tell me how you got started with metal?
* Slava!
Yes, Ruiny Vekov are here since the year 2019, but I’ve laid foundations to my first band “Blackopathy” (Pagan Black Metal) in the year 2008. Later, this band was transformed into “Velesrune” and stayed active until 2015.
Afterwards, I played guitar in a Slovak band Rawcvlt (Raw Black Metal).
Then, I have decided to take a break from playing, started a family and in the year 2019 created Ruiny Vekov itself.
I got intersted in the metal itself back when I was still visiting the elemantary school. I got so much into it, that I have decided to buy a guitar and play.
2. You published "Balady Ciernych Noci", you are from Slovakia, the lyrics are also like that, but I don't like it: are you alone or is there someone else?
* Ruiny Vekov are my music project, but for the recording I have invited few guests. The drums were recorder by my friend and drummer “S” from the band “Krajiny Hmly”.
With the guitar, I have got help from “L”, my long-time friend.
And “Bare”, my friend and skilled vocalist from my previous band “Velesrune” took over the vocals.
Yes, the lyrics are in my native language and the future albums are also planned to be in Slovak. Our language is rich in it's vocabulary and I can better express my thoughts and ideas in it.

3. Ruiny Vekov - it's Pagan Black Metal, raw, very good for today. Is this how Black Metal should be played now and here?
* Thank you for the feedback! Ruiny Vekov are Pagan Black Metal, but I do not want to stay “boxed in” to the genre no matter the cost. I like sharpness and melodies. I honestly do not know how modern Black Metal should sound like, but Ruiny Vekov are my reflection of how I perceive the music, which I transform into the composition and creation.
4. The texts do not speak of Satan! What do they speak of?
* All of the 5 tracks tell of ballads about dreams and destinies of characters or nature.
In the first track there is a description of a landscape where will-o'-the-wisps lure the people into the basin, that later becomes their grave.
The seconds track also describes a landscape- A landscape, that is located in the time at the end of the world.
Third track is about a man, that lived in the forest his whole live and desired to become a tree. As he was old, he sat down next to a tree trunk and begged it to become one of them after his death.
The fourth track is a tale of some kind of creature living in the well. This creature is attracting young women by emitting childish whinning to make them jump into the well and thus save their children.
However, there is no child crying in the well, but it is in fact the cry of all the naive women entrapped in it.
The last track tells a story about a young, unwanted lad, which was brought to the forest by his father and left to be eaten by the wolves. However, the wolves took care of the little boy, raised him and one day the boy returned, to settle the score witth his father.
If someone buys the CD, they can find the exact translations of the lyrics in the booklet.

5. How do you personally perceive the album?
* It does not matter how I perceive it, what is important is how the fans perceive it.
I did my best to make a quality album- A quality music with good sound and lyrics.
I personally think that I was succesfull in it, but that's for the all the reviewers, fans and listeners to judge of course. They are the true testifiries of the fact if album was succesfull, or not.
6. Slovakia- what is the scene like there, do you know others with your style?
* The scene in Slovakia is small, as we are a small country. However, I think that we have many great Black Metal bands. From the current active bands I would like to mention Malokarpatan, Aeon Winds, Krolok, Krajiny Hmly and many more. However, the nearest to the style of Ruiny Vekov is the band Krajiny Hmly, which I highly recommend.

7. What and how do you get inspired, do you walk in the forests, read books, watch films or draw knowledge from life?
* I really like medieval times, classical music, visual arts, reading of various myths, tales, legends, wandering around forests and visiting castles.
All of this inspires me in the writing of the poems, lyrics and tales. The atmosphere of the nature and castles evokes in me new ideas and the process of composing.

8. The last words are yours. Good luck and we are waiting for the new album, maybe soon?
* The new album will definitely come, it is in fact already being worked on. But time-wise, I really cannot say when that will be. Ruiny Vekov is not a machine for quick albums. I take emphasis on the quality of the production.
I thank you kindly for the space and time in your Zine. I wish you a lot of new readers, successes and interviews with quality bands.

2024y interview by:Seducer

1. Hello Asbjorn, first tell us the story - Black Pyre - because that's what we'll focus on!
A: Thank you for the interview. The story begins back in 2017. It’s been quite the journey these past 7 years! I decided back then that I would like to create black metal. I had dabbled in music and in metal bands for some time but I had ultimately decided that my musical direction should be focused into black metal. I immediately began composing, and most of those early tunes from The Forbidden Tomes EP were constructed solo. I recall that I had bought my first real tube amp (a Blackstar HT metal 60) and decided to begin recording. I think at that time because I knew so little about recording I was mostly focused on the music and creating atmosphere. I think the overall result was decent enough.
Quite quickly I recruited Dominus and Kjottflate and we became a proper band. It wasn’t long before we began playing live. I recall Winter Eradication 2018 was quite successful and we really had a chance to showcase our corpse-painted prowess and to integrate ourselves into the black metal scene. It wasn’t very long before we were playing all around the UK and creating a formidable image. Later, Olthigor joined and we set about creating Winter Solstice. This was certainly the culmination of our musical efforts throughout Covid-19 lockdowns.
As with all things, change is inevitable. In September 2023 I decided to revert the band to a solo project again. This was in part due to some members stepping away and organisational issues around members being split across other projects. I decided at that point to take a break, but quite quickly returned with Fall Of The Northern Kingdom. I think this album is an excellent example of what I can deliver with an uncompromising vision, but also with skills learnt from my years working with the other members as a “full” band.
So what is next? Well, on 22 Nov 2024 I will be releasing the third full length album for Black Pyre called “Blessed Br​â​n, Son Of The Sea”. I feel this album is something of a continuation of the foundations laid out with the previous album, in that it continues some of the Arthurian and historical themes but is also following in a similar sound.
2. Damn, I listened to "Fall of the Northern Kingdom", on the first listen, it sounds like the first Dimmu but I admit it's a hell of a lot better. How do you do it and could you have achieved it without today's technology?
A: Well, firstly thank you! It means a lot that you enjoyed the release. It is always a pleasure to hear that people enjoy my creative outputs.
The album took a little while to write, although most of the foundations were actually laid out in 2021, it was just a case of finalising order and recordings. The album was exclusively recorded in my studio, Necroshroud Studios. This was something of a change from Winter Solstice which was partially recorded at Longwave Studios. I opted to use my own studio for all aspects not just for cost reasons but also to ensure maximum control over sound and creative aspects. I recorded it all alone (playing all instruments) and mixed it alone. I decided this was the best way to achieve my vision without compromise.
I think modern tech definitely plays a significant role in how I make my music. It is now easier (and cheaper!) than ever to build a serviceable studio and record your own music. I did not have to acquire large or expensive gear, and most importantly was able to mix entirely “in-the-box” from my home PC. So realistically, without modern advancements in tech it would not have been as easy and would have likely set me back financially.
3. I have already become a fan of your music, which is why I am doing an interview with you. Tell me, do you have a lot of interested people and do they bombard you with questions about the interview?
A: No not usually. I don’t often get many interviews. I actually quite enjoy answering them. It is always a pleasure to interact with all fans.
4. Your lyrics on the album are not covered with blue sky. In one sentence tell me what they are about and what you want to tell us with them?
A: So, the lyrical themes used within Black Pyre vary per release.
The Forbidden Tomes makes a lot of mention of Satanic themes, especially of rituals and grimoires. At this point in my life I was fascinated greatly by the occult and felt inspired to write about it. I am not religious or particularly spiritual myself, but I do have something of an interest in learning about it.
Winter Solstice follows on a bit from the first EP, making use of some ritual and grimoire oriented material, but also weaving in a cold element to the album by exploring frost, ice, and snow. I had this idea that perhaps a frozen and icy hell could be interesting to explore but woven in with more typically Abrahamic ideas of demons.
Fall Of The Northern Kingdom has a more historic focus, weaving in elements of Celtic folklore and Arthurian legends, but also with some nods to earlier themes such as with tracks like Withering Winter. I think this album came about from my love of ancient Welsh tales, although I think the name of the album was actually originally Olthigor’s idea and was a Biblical reference (despite the song’s theme being rooted in history of the fall of The Old North).
The newest release Blessed Br​â​n, Son Of The Sea is again inspired by Arthurian legend and more general British mythology such as the story of King Br​â​n. This album came about from reading The Mabinogion as well as The Black Book Of Carmarthen. The love of these tales comes from both conversations with equally obsessed friends and from a few visits to The Dead Canary (cocktail bar located in Cardiff). The menu at The Dead Canary at the time was highly focused on folklore and stories of Wales. This definitely inspired me to create my own such collection of stories. That aside, this album primarily focuses on Taliesin the Bard through the ages; first at the side of Br​â​n, and then at the death of Arthur. The album culminates at the burial of Arthur at Avalon – which I decided to roll together into the myth of Hy Bresail, inferring that they are the same place. So, you could say this new album is something of a concept album.
5.Your music changes from album to album, I like it, it surprises me positively. Where do you get your inspiration?
A: Musically, my influences are varied. In the beginning my influences were mostly Darkthrone and Mayhem – a sort of melding of the two. More recently I like to think my horizons have broadened, encompassing bands like Dissection, Winterlore, and Watain for the melodic aspects, whilst trying new things like incorporating elements of new era Borknagar or Enslaved. I’m also always listening to UK based bands in the scene and learning from them. I have definitely garnered inspiration from Winterfylleth, Necronautical, and The Infernal Sea.
Outside the usual suspects in black metal, I’m an avid fan of Opeth but also many bands across melodeath (especially At The Gates, Ensiferum, Amon Amarth, and Be’lakor). More recently my other band Ofnus has helped me to think more creatively too. I think these elements can often influence the way I write.

6. You are alone, but you also perform on stage, you have live materials. What is it like, does anyone help you play with you?
A: Recently I’ve not made any live performances. Back when the band was “at full strength” with a stack of members we made live appearances quite regularly, including abroad. These days I don’t play live (kind of like Darkthrone ha), although that doesn’t mean I will never again play live in Black Pyre. We have had some discussions, and there is some scope for a few limited shows or a tour to play shows using the Ofnus members as the backing band (of which Dominus, the original Black Pyre drummer is a member).
7.Thank you for your time and I leave the last words to you!
A: Thank you for the interview. I would like to just leave you with the final words that the new album Blessed Br​â​n, Son Of The Sea comes out on 22 Nov 2024. Please check out the most recent single Arglwyddes Y Llyn (translation – Lady Of The Lake). To all fans – eternal hails and my eternal gratitude for all the support.
interview 2024y by - Seducer