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1. Hello, first of all thank you for your time. Let's ask: what were the beginnings of the group in 1998, the demo and a long break until 2006. Why so long?

Morbideus : Hi. We never had any pressure to release albums quickly, for us it was always a long creation process. Many pieces did not stand the test of time and were simply buried. It was never about quantity but rather quality. And that so much time has passed? It's normal for us.

2.Time flies, hair falls out, teeth turns yellow, 2024 comes, you release your fifth full album. Tell us something about it, how it was created and what the lyrics are about?


Morbideus : The time has come and the album has simply matured. We were ready to record, both qualitatively and mentally. I think it's our best work. I wrote 99% of the lyrics, it was a very productive time for me. What are they about? Just read it, I've never written thematically, it's more of an inspiration of the moment. And since I had a lot of inspiring things, I wrote lyrics for three more albums :)

3. Polish death metal still from the same place - Opoczno. What is the music scene like in your area and do you have any bands in the area that you keep in touch with?


Morbideus : It's not the same scene as 20 years ago, but Opoczno is still associated with good metal music. Currently, we are the last ones left to create this scene, there is also a promising band called Devility, which I support very much. There is also a project of our former guitarist Nameless - KIRA, who has just released a new album - I recommend, check it out!

4.Concerts in Poland or maybe abroad? How is it with you? Do girls and fans not leave you alone after them, do they want to touch you and talk to you for a moment?


Morbideus :We don't play many concerts, but when we do perform somewhere, there are rather big festivals or shows and we have already played with every top Polish metal band. I already know all the people from the poster in my room personally, and It`s good for me.As for fans, I can't comment because we don't have any, but we've never made music for popularity, so this is a foreign question to me.

5. How do you deal with popularity?Do paparazzi make you lose your life?Why am I asking this? Because Ethelyn is at the fore front of Polish death metal, is it true?


Morbideus : No, we are a modest band from a small town and that's it. We know our value but don't Exaggerate, someone fishes, someone plays chess and someone plays black metal.

6.Let's get back to the music from the new album? Are you happy with it and will you continue on this path?


Morbideus : Yes, definitely. The new songs are in the same style, it's our way and we feel best in this type of music. We intend to record the EP quite quickly so as not to wait another few years. We're working hard on it.

7. A difficult geopolitical question: it is difficult beyond the eastern border, various things fly from there to Poland. What is your opinion on this, how long will we wait for the music market to open up in this direction?


Morbideus : Music is not politics, but some things cannot be ignored. I don't want to be some sort of prophet or mentor here, but I ignore bands from Russia. I don't feel comfortable listening to their thoughtless noises. I think that the ignorance of these people is sometimes worse than being involved.

8. I leave the last words to the fans for you.


Morbideus : Don`t. 

interview 2024y.

It's been 18 years since Black Nebula's first demo - Hellish Requiems. 
The perpetrators, the creators of this turned out to be: Herr BogusÅ‚aw, Balrog Draghon and S. 

Balrog has been dead for 10 years, 
S. has his own other project, 
however, the time has come for an interview with Herr Bogusław, to which I invite you below.

1.Hail Herr Boguslaw . You play in Ethelyn currently but I wanted to talk to you about Black Nebula in which you played in 2006 with Balrog. What's next for the group and music after Balrog's death?

* Hello Seducer. A lot of time has passed since the last 
Meeting. I'm a little surprised by the question about Black Nebula 
but I see that the numbers appear on the net and there are people who 
Remember. After the death of the Balrog, I made attempts, I found 
drummer, there were ideas for a few songs but unfortunately not 
it worked.


2.You recorded only one material. What did the recording look like and where did it take place?


* We recorded the drums for Helish Reqiem in the drummer's rehearsal room 
Saliwana (you probably remember this place, he had his own 
unique atmosphere). We recorded guitars and vocals at Balrog's in 
Home. There were technical problems and other strange situations, but 
We succeeded. In retrospect, she was an amateur, 
Surely we could have done better.


3. Didn't you think about doing a tribute to Black Nebula with Ethelyn so that the group and the peculiar character Balrog whom we know from other various projects would not be forgotten?


* We talked in Ethelyn to record two songs 
commemorating the Balrog. Maybe it will be covers or completely 
new track. We have the possibilities now, so time will tell. 


4. Back then you were both very deep underground? Are YOU still that deep or has the internet ruined everything?


* When we played with Black Nebula, we were in the so-called underground. Internet 
He changed everything by giving more opportunities. But look at the 
Ethelyn, it seems to me that despite technical innovations, media 
social networks, however, are still underground


5. Let me reveal you a secret: who came up with the brilliant idea of ​​refreshing Darkthrone and playing their cover - Transilvanian Hunger?


* I don't remember exactly what inspired us to record 
cover of Darkthrone Transilvanian Hunger but probably everyone 
This is what we wanted.


6.Thank you for your time and don't forget (because we remember) about Black Nebula. The last words are yours!


* Greetings to all those infected with metal and thank you for 
memory. 2024y.


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