It was the night of 13/14. 07.1996 year .
After a day of wandering around Oslo, thanks to Stian Shagrath from Dimmu Borgir,
Fyrste and I went to the well-known club in Oslo ELM STREET CAFE. We walked in, looked around and I saw Fenriz himself sitting with a beer, the man I had always wanted to meet. The following interview I conducted with him with his permission and approval and great help to Fyrste.
1.The club we sit in is a shitty place, music... :-(
-Yes, but it's the only place where BM.can meet. I hate this music (punk, depeche mode etc) and I treat the people who are here like air.
I only come here to drink a beer and talk to my friends. In the past, the entire elite of the Brotherhood used to come here. whole Mayhem,Grishnack,ect. They don't play BM here, if I want to listen to Immortal, I have to go home to myself.
2.Did you like the concert you gave on 'Black Metal Night'?
"I hate playing live, but we've been preparing for it for a few months. We put a lot of work into it and we wanted it to come out perfectly. We were supposed to play 9 songs but we only played 6. The reason was the reaction of the audience. Everyone stood like cows with their jaws down. We came to the conclusion that there is no point in playing more than 6 songs.
3. Does a well-known Satyr come here?
- No, because he lives on the island in a huge house, an hour south of Oslo.
4.You have released a new product 'Neptune Towers'!
-Yes, it is already available in all stores worthy of this product, and it was released in June. The title of the album is 'Transsmision From Empire Algol''.
5.Do you listen to hordes only from Norway?
- I listen to some metal from the 80s. The first albums of cult bands like Exodus, Sodom, ect.
6.Do you have big problems with the police?
- Every horde of BM from Norway has or has had some kind of power problem. Now it seems to have died down, but in the past it was dangerous because the churches were burning. There were about 40 of them in total.
7.In Poland it has recently become a big trend to be a Nazi or a Racist ...
- We don't care about skin colour. The most important thing is to be anti-Christian. Yellow, black is definitely not a Christian. Christianity must be destroyed.
8. I know you do a lot of interviews. Which magazines ?
"A lot of people come and send me interview questions, but I don't have time to answer them. I never received any magazines. Only from Norway.
9.What is your opinion about Burzum?
- Burzum's music is great, pure trance music, but as far as Greifi is concerned, I don't connect with him, because he's a Fascist and a racist and I'm a Satanist. My purest BURZUM album is 'BURZUM'. what happened is their business and Greifi, he's paying dearly for it, and I'm here and I'm happy about it. It's a pity that my brother Euronymous, who also used to be here, has passed away. His shop, Helvete, was the first B.M. place where you could get unholy anti-Christian stuff !
10.It was our dream to meet you and talk to you for which a big thanks.
- You are the first people from Polish with whom I talk face to face. To be honest, I really enjoyed the conversation. You speak English very well, unlike people from Germany who are very mutilating the language. I'm the one who gives you a gift for the nice time you spent.
Fenriz 1996 .
Seducer 1996

1. Hello from the Scandinavian fjords, can you first introduce us to the group and what we are dealing with?
* Svar: Hi! My name is Jonas and I'm lead guitarist in Eldprov. Eldprov is a death/black-metal band from the northern part of Sweden originating from the 90s death metal scene. Eldprov started as a two-man project that me and the singer Ante started a few years ago where the plan was not to focus on one genre only, but to mix wildly. I am of the opinion that a good riff is a good riff regardless of genre and if you listen to our album 'Rift' you will hear elements of death, thrash and black metal with the latter being the main genre. Today we're a full-set band with members who have been in the industry since the 90s.
2. You play in several groups almost at the same time, looking at the release of albums, does this interfere with the release of a larger number of albums of this group?
* Svar: At the moment I only play in Eldprov, although there have been a few detours over the years with guest appearances both live and on records. Our drummer on the other hand currently plays in 3 bands, but there has never been any issues making it work.

3. You have been around for 3 years, one full album and singles, is it because you split your forces into other projects, is it good and why?
* Svar: As I answered in the previous question, I only play in one band now, but what can be a problem sometimes are the long distances between all members as we are scattered all over Sweden. It's 1500km between our vocalist and the other members with myself living somewhere in the middle so we only rehearse before a show or recording session.
4. What is the scene like in the area? and you, yourselves, were born in the 1990s, even if you don't hear it, your albums are a cool, interesting new style.
* Svar: There was a small dip during covid with all the restrictions, so many venues had to close down, but it seems to be on the rise now with newly started festivals and clubs all over the country. The metal scene where I live (Umeå) is really good with several festivals annually, with 'House of Metal' being the biggest.
Thanks! Alot of the riffs from 'Rift' are actually riffs that I wrote back in the 90s, riffs that had been laid to rest on a hard drive because it didn't fit in the band I was playing with at the moment.

5. You are a group for concerts where the metal band will have fun and not just nod their heads! What is your assessment of this?
* Svar:
6. Question from the past and the future. Covid - what effects has it had on you? Future - Sweden in NATO - what does it mean for the country and you?
* Svar: Eldprov did not suffer that much from Covid since we were not playing live at that time. One positive thing about it might be that folk stayed at home and browsed for new music and hopefully found us. As of NATO, things are about to change domestic but none of it really concerns Eldprov. We all have our opinions regarding politics but Eldprov aint a platform for that debate.

7. Plans for the future, where and how can we listen to you?
* Svar: At the moment we're in the recording phase of our new single which will be released in a couple of months, probably during the summer. After that we will start record our second album which if everything goes according to plan, will be released late 2024/early 2025. We're also working on getting gigs and have some in the works, but until then, you can find our music on all streaming platforms.
8. The wolf cry at the end! ?
* Svar: Thank you for the interview and thank you to all the people that supports us.
APRIL 2024Y.

1. Hello, you are quite a young group, one album under your belt, a few singles. Why ? First, tell us the history of the group.
I´ve always held Thrash Metal close to my heart, specifically the type delivered by Slayer and since young years
I´ve been wanting to write and play thrash yet never come around to it.
Then, one late summer evening in 2021 as I was taking a trance walk in the sunset landscape
I spoke to my goddess Freja who urged me to go back to my studio temple and write a 2 minute song in one sitting.
A simple thrash song perhaps? And why not under the name HILD, a name I´d been playing around with for some time.
There and then during the walk back the whole concept came to me, the Valkyrie theme of our first album ValFreiya,
the Nordic sorcery and setting of timeless strife and battle. I wrote the draft for the song in my head while
walking and the lyrics came quite automatically, like they often do to me. I recorded the song and since it actually
turned out good I kept going for 4 weeks until I had an album of twelve songs, none taking more than 9 hours from first
idea to finalized product. Obviously, some more influences than just thrash came along but the initial spark and inspiration stayed intact.
The reception when I started posting stuff officially was real good and the need to make a band out of it and take it to the stage was apparent.
I reached out to some musicians of my choice and ended up with the perfect band, it´s quite amazing how well we just fell
in to being a band right from the start, everyone synced and pumped up for the same goals.

2. Your music is quite specific, I wouldn't say it catches your throat quickly. What is your opinion,
what are your lyrics about and what inspires you?
Conversely, I´d say we go straight for the throat and cut the bullshit. No prisoners you know!
Lyrics are steeped in Nordic sorcery stuff and myth and revolves around battle and war and facing
your destiny with a strong heart. It´s both personal and general, timeless and specific and based
on experience and practice aswell as written sources and research. I find inspiration in my faith,
in rage and rapture, the old Nordic ways and religion, forn sidhr, and feeling the forces of old rush in nature.
To me, inspiration is like a state inside me aswell, usually I just need to activate it.
And of course, listening to certain music can trigger the creativity. Like now for example,
I´m having Sepultura´s Beneath the remains in the background and could easily go and write an inspired song or some riffs if I wanted!

3. Sweden, climate, nature and the kingdom of old Death Metal. How you grew up in it and others.
I love the Swedish nature, it´s part of my soul and vice versa. I grew up in a small hillbilly town with good friends and family,
woods and lakes close by and I would never wanna have it another way. I am blessed growing up like that and thankful. Forests,
lakes, creeks and wild meadows, man... Just sitting on a rock or talk to a tree. Can´t be beat.
And of course all quality extreme music! In earlier years, Entombed and Mezzrow were some of the house gods.
Then came Black Metal, fucking Marduk, Dark Funeral and more, changed my view on music. Dissection etc.
We can go on forever! I am happy that I am to some extent part of the Swedish musical wonder, proud! And the climate.
There is such magic and joy in having 4 distinct seasons. Love everyone of them and how they change.
Then of course the instability can be a challenge. Like when summer is too cold or winter too harsh,
things are a little more challenging but it´s all part or the beauty.
And right now is one of my favorite times when Spring is settling in. And April is a mischievous month, super changeable weather.
Right now we´ve had grey cold days and snow when all one wants is sun and blossoming flowers haha!
Well, what can you do, it´s part of the charm. But it does seem like the climate is changing a bit.
It´s more unstable and for a number of years the typical traits of the seasons were all mixed, no clear boundaries.
Last few years a little bit better I think. Whoever lives shall see how bad the climate situation really is I guess.
4. Geopolitical question - Sweden in NATO, war in Ukraine, Russia at the gates of Europe, the Middle East in the blood. Do you think Putin will reach for Europe?
I will never define myself politically since I don´t define my world or existence politically whatsoever.
Manmade opinions to boost one´s self-importance which is at its core a mere illusion.
But sure, we live in a mutual kind of civilisation and there´s no total escape from it I guess unless
I go hermit in a cave, which is sometimes very tempting! So seems strange to me that a country
claiming to be so utterly democratic enters a world-wide war organisation without a people´s vote and goes to lengths and ass-kissing to get there.
Maybe NATO is good, maybe not, I really don´t know and I´m not well read on any of the topics you mention.
I do however, from a strictly existential point of view, think that war and clashing will always be a part of our subsistence on Earth,
that it is part of the greater picture and balance. Both in small scale and big scale,
strife is always there and destruction is necessary in our realm of being.
But yeah, humans of power and money obviously seem to have this need to show off and impose their ways for whatever reasons.
I don´t think Putin will move forward further into Europe, it would be a risky clusterfuck and I doubt it is his plan,
but like I said, it is beyond my knowing and I´m not well read on this at all.
I think there is a lot more going on behind the scenes in all these wars than what common people see on the news and many
disturbing things we will never know on how our civilisation is run.

5. Covid - what was it like for you?
On a strictly personal level: Wonderful. When it hit I was still working at a factory. We got alot of time off with almost
full pay which prompted me to write music and spend time in nature. It helped me decide to quit work later on,
it wasn´t the place for me. The seclusion didn´t bother me except on certain occasions when
I could not see friends and family to the extent I wanted. And troublesome with events and stuff of course,
got a bit boring eventually and I know many honest vendors suffered hard. I´ve had Covid on one confirmed occasion but it wasnt´s too bad for me,
standard sickness, just a little more prolonged and slow in recovery. I got it right after a show in Norway.
In retrospect, I probably had it on already on stage, there was a strange fatigue and hard to get oxygen and it wasn´t like normal.
The real sickness and fever and shit came day after on the way home, driving some nine hours in crazy snow weather.
Fun times haha! Totally worth it of course, the show and trip was awesome!
6. How long will we wait for the new album and will we see you live, concerts planned? Where can we buy publications and gadgets?
We have an EP "The Slayeress" coming May 31st on Black Lion Records and more fun coming this autumn.
We´re always open for more concerts. Right now we have just a few booked shows: Mangelfest, Stockholm May 25th,
Bulgasal Metal Fest Pre Party, Västerås August 29th, Slaktmånad, Hultsfred October 4th.
We hope to get some more out of country shows soon.
Stuff is best bought through Black Lion´s bandcamp or at our shows. Or by sending us an email.

7. Finally, thank you for your time and give a message to your fans.
My pleasure and honor!
Stay strong and true to yourselves and spread the word about HILD!
We mean business and shall be seen and heard! FORWARD!!!
April 2024y.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HildSweden

Tonight 24.April 2024 year . Pink Full Moon, while the interview will not be in such colors, but in which ones, you will know after reading the interview with the one-man project MG08. Welcome!

MG08 one-man project Black Metal-military history. From a country where the Maple leaf is as important as the Oak leaf. Let's talk to Tom.kpfw.
1. Hello Tom, your first album "7.92" has just been released, 10 songs, released by Jems Label from the USA. Tell me something about it and why you haven't found a publisher from Canada? Is it about the content or is there another reason for this decision?
Hi Seducer,Thank you for taking the time to interview me about my music. Much appreciated.My new album, 7.92, was actually self released by me. The CD might be released with Jems Label but I'm not a hundred percent sure when that will happen.The decision to self release this album was because it was a goal of mine for the last year and I wanted to invest the extra money to get the tape printed exactly how I wanted. I'm a very details oriented kind of guy.
2. All songs are related to the passing away, not a very good moment in the history of humanity. Why did you choose such a topic? Your music, which you make yourself, is very different from the topics discussed in the lyrics, but it is also very well intertwined, like Oak's wreath.
My songs all cover various aspects of military history such as vehicles, battles, units, and famous personalities. I have been very passionate about military history since I was a very young boy. I also grew up around alot of veterans and hearing their stories really inspired me. I got to meet guys that served in the Second World War, Korean War, Vietnam War, Gulf War, Iraq war, Afghanistan War and also veterans of peacekeeping missions. In the coming weeks, I plan on publishing my lyrics on my website,www.mg08.site.

3. I already know the answers to many questions after these two answers, but let's find out what your rocky path through metal was like, because that's the type of music you perform!
I was heavily into rock n roll as a kid because of my father who loved bands like The Beatles and the Rolling Stones. I got into metal when I was 13 or 14 years old. I started with the classics like Black Sabbath, Motorhead, and then Iron Maiden and Pantera and other bands. I eventually got really into punk rock as well with bands like The Exploited although I never stopped being into metal. I was introduced to Black Metal bands like Celtic Frost and Burzum when I was 19 years old. It wasn't until a few years ago that I just absolutely fell in love with the genre. Especially the subgenre of War Metal / Bestial Black Metal. My passion grew to the point that I wanted to make my own War Metal album. And so, over the last year and half, I have learned to write bass, guitar, and drums to make this dream a reality.
4. You make all your music on the computer. Does it speed up your creativity, or do new technologies help you with it, or would you compose it this way using old techniques?
For me, the creative process is easier and faster when I'm working on the computer and by myself as opposed to working with other musicians in a jam space. As a kid I imagined being the conductor of an orchestra which is very much how I feel when I am making my songs. I write the bass, the guitars, the drums, and I do my own vocals.

5. My question to everyone: Covid 19 - what effect did it have on you and what were the restrictions in Canada? (why am I asking about this - because few people talk about it and through these interviews I want to remind about it and give a piece of history).
Honestly, I was already very antisocial when the pandemic hit the world. In Canada, we had alot of passionate people who were for and against the vaccines. Myself, I don't give a shit what anybody else does. It isn't my business.
6. Geopolitics - War in Ukraine / riots in the Middle East, soon the conflict over Taiwan and then Russia's attack on the Baltic countries. What is your opinion about the times we live in now and what they are preparing for ours? Will you have a topic for the next album?
I find it hard to be hopeful when looking at the current geopolitical situation of the world at this time. Although I am obsessed with military history, I don't wish war on anyone. My heart goes out to all people who are living through the horrors of war.

7. You came up with a clever idea and incorporated the entire war theme into this type of Black Metal music. Will you tell us about your new plans, will it be a similar album or will you go a different route?
Thank you! For my future plans, I have a few more split projects on the way and I am also working on my next MG 08 album for which I have started some songs about the Vietnam War. For that album I plan on introducing an overall dirtier more distorted sound.
8. Finally, tell us where we can find your music and maybe you sell something else? The last word is yours and thank you for spending your valuable time with Blood Circle zine!
You can find the links to my music and merch via my website: www.mg08.site . Thank YOU for having me and taking the time to interview me. I appreciate it and I look forward to reading the rest of this issue of Blood Circle Zine.
ps: Huge thank you goes to LILITH - without Her this interview would Not have been published .

... dear readers, so that you don't accuse me of bias, at the end of this page I interviewed the Girl, the only leader of the Black Metal group ... Don't wait, just read what she has to say and I invite you to get acquainted with this music...
I present to you H. Bruxa !

1. Hello, thank you very much for deciding to answer a few questions. First of all, can you tell us a short history of your band and why this type of music? Have you also played in other bands and with what results?
* Hello, thank you for this chance to tell a little about me and my band.
“Chaoagnostic” is my solo-project, I started it in 2021. Why Black Metal? Because I always played Black Metal as a guitar player. Well, not always, but ‘till 2000 when I started my first band, that had no name or releases and existed just a few rehearsals. In 2021 I created “Gelidus Caliga”. My poor knowledge of Latin is the reason why the band had such a strange name, “Ice Boot”, instead of “Ice-cold Darkness” as I wanted to name it… “Caliga” released some demos and played a gig. Finally in 2002 I created the new band, with the normal name “Gelida Obscuritas”, that existed for a few years until 2009. The line-up changed a lot of times, but we have a few demos, the LP “Heart of Chaos”, played some gigs.
There were plans for the future, but in 2009 I get an arm injure, it was quite serious, and at that moment I was sure that I’ll never can play the guitar again.
But more then 10 years later my arm started to work almost normally, and I decided to try again. So, when I realized that I can play, I composed a few songs, recorded home-made demo, and then in December 2021 I spent two days to record and mix the album. All instruments and vocals I recorded by myself.
2. You released a new album in 2022 and silence. Can you first tell us what the lyrics are about and what you want your music to convey to your old and new fans? And the second question is - can we expect another album?
* The lyrics are very simple. I didn’t try to write something thoughtful or with multi-level meaning, as it was many years ago. So the lyrics content matches song titles: about the War, that is Dance of Death: about the Plague, that bless this world as Holy Pest; about the Chaos that is the Endless Vortex… Ah, the special one is the song named “Night on Bold Mountain”, of course it’s about the sabbath, and it contains some quote, who knows the classical music will find it.

3. You also make a video to accompany your music, which can be found on YT. Is this also an important form of conveying your thoughts to the listeners? What is your opinion about this?
* Yes, this is the first video I released and it was something new and interesting for me. As I know, most of people have the visual channel of perception as the main, prevailing, so the musical video can tell more then only music. Once I get a message from the video editor who offered to make a video for one of my songs. I agreed and offered him to take video materials just as he sees them for “Holy Pest” song, and also, I filmed some little video using the Plague Doctor’s mask. So in result we get something weird, and I like it.
4. Your music, which, let's remember, you make yourself, is quite complicated and not easy to create quickly. Do you think you would do something like this without today's technology?
* Of course, it’s impossible to record and, the main thing, to mix the LP for only two days, if you can’t use today’s technology – computer. When I was young, we recorded a demo using only multi-channel tape recorder, but when you need to play and sing all this step by step, you need to use technologies. Doesn’t matter, if you’re the only musician in the band or you have the full line-up.

5. My question - Covid, how do you remember it and did it happen to you as well as others on this side of Europe?
* I remember it as the strange times. Yesterday everything was like always, and today you come to the street and see all the people in the masks. It looked really strange, especially very strange was to meet a person with the mask on his face, when walking in the forest… But in the other side, it was the real pandemic, and a lot of people I know were very ill when they caught Covid. Some of them died…
Btw, I created my Plague Doctor mask just when all this began. But nowadays pandemic isn’t the same as it was before, when there was the Black Death, Plague or even Spanish flu. The world became small, because nowadays transport is very fast and borders between many countries are transparent. So, virus needed just a little time to conquer the world.
6. Geopolitical question - War in the East, conflict in Palestine, another one is being prepared in Taiwan and the moment when Russia will invade the Baltic countries, Poland and the rest of Europe. What is your view on this and what is the grim truth?
* To say truth, there are a lot of variants how it can be in the nearest future. I think, now we’re in some bifurcation point of our history. Let’s say, we live in very interesting and danger times. Noone knows, how some different events that happen in different places can turn the world’s history this or that way. It’s hard to prognose something, but at least it’s really interesting to live in such times.

7. Let's finally get back to music - where can we buy your album, gadgets, can you direct your fans to this?
* At the moment the album exists only as the digital edition, but literally from day to day it will be released at
Dragefjellet Records (https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100090475930587)
both CD and tape.
8. Finally, I would like to thank you for your time for the interview and I will leave you for a moment with the readers - you have a moment to explain your thoughts to them! The last words are yours!
* Thank you for really interesting questions. What can I say to the readers? Maybe, as the person who lives her own life (maybe it’s not too normal, but of course it’s very interesting kind of life) I can recommend to people, who’re afraid to make a solution, choose an unconventional path, change your life: don’t be afraid. It’s your own life, and you’ll never start it again to catch missed possibilities.