1. Hello, thank you for your time. First of all, tell me something about the group - YOTHIRIA.
- Yoth Iria was actually a new band formed in 2019 but it was in mind about its creation mid 2000ies
2.1.album 2 years ago, but you played in other groups, just like the legend Dimitris. Remember those times.
- I was in the first days of the creation of Greek black metal through Rotting Christ and Varathron
Can remember all those like totally glorious and I think monumental for the black metal world as we started a new movement on black metal scene and history has shown it
3. Since we touched on the past, do you think a fire like the one from the 1990s could still happen today?
- Speaking about me, absolutely yes. I have the same fire burning into me like it was back in 80ies
Nothing changed
4. Greece is a warm climate, wine, women and singing. How does this relate to Black Metal?
- Obviously our music is more atmospheric more erotic and more blood red wine
As you understand hell is hot place
so we are
5. Covid, war, emigration - does it or did it have an impact on you?
- Not so much on me. Maybe it has to do with my idiocrasy, nothing can put me down and make me go depressed
I can be free even in a small box
My motos are Non serviam and metal Magic Freedom
I believe in freedom and magic and fear nothing
6. Censorship on the Internet, reputation of young groups, fear of hate. What is it like on the Greek scene?
- Internet is a fast way for a new band to spread its music around the world
So it's a good weapon and useful for each band
7.Plans for the future, concerts?
- We will release a new album into 2024 and we are going to have a lot of shows including tours and festivals
8. What do your texts talk about, what do they teach and maybe they open the gate to the truth?
- Our music is about occultism, magic, and its our own view that Lucifer and the demonic world are the true friends of humanity and mother earth
They are the true meaning of freedom and royalty but the governors of the world supports the opposite as they want the people worship and serve them through their corrupted religions
9.Music Y., how would YOU describe it?
- Mainly our music compare all metal ingredients
From traditional heavy metal to black metal, including thrash death even classic rock
10. Thank you for your time. Finally, a shout from hell to the little devils!
- Thanks for your support and your interview
Thanks all the people reading it
Try Yoth Iria as Is the gift of Lucifer to humanity
Here's the answers by Jim Mutilator

1. Hello, thank you for your time and willingness to do an interview. First question, a short history of the band, please, what was the reason for it in 2000? what happened to your heads?
** Thanks for the chance here brother, we started the band to keep the old tradition of bestial Southamerican Black Death warfare noise, back then there were lots of Darkthrone and Burzum clones.. and many seemed they forgot about extreme bands from depth of UG! , we wanted to stick to those bestial noises of death!
2. Why did I ask that at the beginning? Because GOAT SEMEN is - Raw Black Metal. Do you also describe your music?
* in the demo we described it as Southamerican terrorist Death Black Destructive Metal Mayhem! I think we still stick to it!
3. Texts, covers and the entire image. What is it about and what is the message from you to the fans?
* Final fall of Christianism! Winds of war and human desolation.
4. In my opinion, your scene in South America is quite different than the one we know from Europe. Why is this so, can you explain it?
* Mostrly, UG extreme scenes in Southamerica have nothing of support and come from more violent societies, and still corruption and abuse if part of everyday life.. so this influenced in the way we compose i suppose.. but also the extrem music we listen to!
5. Peru - what is your music scene like and what can you boast about to readers - Blood Circle?
* We are very few who like Metal, and even fewer those who are into extreme Metal scene, but have enought bands as to make this survive… Hadez and Mortem are Elder mutant Metal freaks from here and then came the rest!
6. Satanism, occultism, religious wars, music, censorship - a rapidly changing world. Your opinion ?
* Fuck the religions! the occult and darkest side of men and knowledge will make the individual stronger, and only the strong and wise will survive!
7. Covid, isolation, restrictions, war - what effect did it have on you?
* resulted in developing more into music, read more, i went deeper into Classical and Barroque music and made more Metal productions here in my label.
8. The era of metal from Norway is over. It's time for your Black Metal. How would you attract fans to your website, and maybe you are already doing it?
* this is not a competition I think, Norway had great bands.. i am still following darkthrone and Mayhem DMDS is an absolute milestone for me, but also we just focused in more brutal and primitive, yet obscure forms of Black Metal.
9. You have already played in Europe, you have already been to this side of the Earth. What are your observations?
* Great scenes! Europe is huge and vast territory to ride and conquer playing! Specially Finland and UK were amazing! And in this last tour we did with MASACRE also Warsaw was amazing audience!
10 . A group from Poland: Besatt, often visits South America. As I was told, this place is like a magnet. Or maybe it's the LEFT HAND PATH Gate?
* Crowd in Southamerica turns to be more wild when their fave bands come down!
11. Future - what are your plans, maybe it's time for a new album?
* Just today we anounced the “Fuck Christ” MLP to be released in 2014, and right now we are preparing the stuff for the upcoming Split with TORMENTADOR (Brasil), and next will be our second álbum!
12. At the end of a rather long interview - your advertising of the link and a shout from the bottom of hell for the church archbishops and their father? !
* Crush the cross all those behind it! Fuck Christ! Thanks for the Int. Hope we return next year to europe touring with new songs… ¡