... Issue # 5 we end with an interview with Experimental Norwegian Undergorund Black Metal band call : SARKE . Let's listen to what Thomas wants to tell us about his life and the group! So let's get started!

1. First of all, thank you for your time. We won't recall the history of SARKE , but I will ask: Sarke (Thomas), how would YOU describe your music?
SARKE : I will say our music is a mix of different styles. I use inspiration from bands I have liked since I got into music. That will of course be very varied through a period from the 70s up till today. All from rock to black metal.

2. As I wrote about it in the webzine, Sarke - Tulus - Khold - Darkthrone ... One big family. It seems unreal, but is it true?
SARKE : I will not say its a family. It is different bands. And I have in Sarke a cooperation with Nocturno Culto. Other than that Darkthrone has not any involvement in the other bands. I know that Nocturno likes the early Khold and I have worked with Fenriz a couple of times before. But a family is to stretch it far.

3. You live far from civilization in the mountains. How is it ? For those from city, especially Nocturno is an Outsider, was strange these days. Would you change your life for the city and contact with fans?
SARKE : The fans reach me to media and internet. And get the chance when we play live. I dont need to live in the city for that. Never lived in a city and never will.

4. Let's get back to music. The new album has just been released with great success - congratulations. Tulus, Khold concerts are coming up - and what about Sarke, when will they be and where?
SARKE : Yes, Khold and Tulus has several gigs coming up. Sarke has not any gigs coming up in the near future.

5. We met in 2003 during the Khold/Dimmu concerts in Hamar-Norge. What has changed since then? The family has grown, a new house has been built? Swiss bank account? Gold teeth? I'm laughing, but the question makes sense. Nocturno has children, what is it like for you ( Thomas ) and is it possible to make a living from music in Norway or do you also have to work? You are not stars like Ozzy Osbourne! ?
SARKE : I have build a house and have an account. I do make money on the music but I also need to work a bit. So have work I combined with music. I like to be creative, so I do stonework. A work that has been around for 10.000 of years. I have just been in Cairo studied it.

6. Geopolitical question: it is getting hot on the border with Russia, concerts in that direction have been interrupted. Question: what is the opinion in Norway?
SARKE : For us in Norway it has not been any interuption with that.
7. Let's jump to the music: what is the album about this time, what do you want to tell us with it?
SARKE : As always dark stuff. Doomsday, dark gloomy persons. The universe. Harsh nature. The end of worlds and galaxyes.

8. I read the reviews, we talked about music, but I still consider Sarke to be underground, why ? because there are no T-shirts, patches are very rare and interviews are very rare - very rare. Will this change? Maybe a bigger label?
SARKE : I agree. Very underground. Sarke get very good reviews. But there is very little attetion to the band. Almost zero playlist. No mouth going around about Sarke. Not many ask for interviews either. So if it is cool to be underground, we are definitely a cool band.
9. On the earlier album "Gastwerso" the beautiful Lena Floitmoen from Hamar . Why wasn't she there this time? ps: best regards Lena.
SARKE : No female vocal this time.

10. New album, new ideas, new visions. Will this change the style of music in Norge? Your opinion please! What do you think?
SARKE : I dont think it will chance anything. We have released a different album. We are very pleased about our new album.
11. The sun is rising. We need to hide in the crypt. I will enjoy the new album. The last words are yours. Horns Up.
SARKE : I hope people will check out our new release.

SEDUCER 2024y.