... this time let's move to the south and Latin America. I invite you to a very interesting interview.

1. Hello, first of all tell us where the band is from and tell us its short history (you are from different bands)!
> Hello, Wahnsinnig here. Thanks for the interest and opportunity.
Well, Hypnosinosis was conceived as a band in early 2016 in the city of Concepción, Chile. I kind of knew a bass player from the local scene called Victor LR (Mourner) (Dark Path, more recently Concilivm and Todverhexen). He showed some interest when I talked to him and show him the demos of two songs that I had created at that moment. He took care of finding the percusions, who eventually would be Azathoth (Agares, Hnagash), our first drummer. A good friend of mine, who was named Voxegrehscals (Dead Moon Temple, Funestus, Concilivm, Aarkanne , Praecognitvm) in the project, had listened the tracks when they were already rehearsed and joined us for the first stage of the band as a vocalist. The four of us recorded a demo called “Delirium” released in 2017 by a local label called Pagan Funeral Records, and then the EP called “῾Υπνωσίνοσις” (Hypnosinosis written in Greek) released in 2018 by the Greek label Mysterion Records. Right after this release, we found our new drummer Luxiferion (Endimion, Demente, more recently Nebulos) and him and I started to explore and experiment a little bit more through the years of jamming, composing and recording mainly, which lead us to the stage we are now preparing our first Full-Length Album “Μετάνοια”, hopefully to be released in 2024. We’ve partnered with Moonwaves Studio in Concepción for the final result. For many production issues we are not ready to publish it yet.
2. Chile - a country very far from Europe, but is Black Metal also so far different? Tell me about your music, how do YOU ​​see it? What is your scene like and what are concerts like?
> If we talk about the scene in Chile, I think Black Metal is a very small scene compared to Death Metal for example, but manage to get into this same spaces and vice versa. There are small and big gigs occasionally, every two or three weeks or a month there are local bar concerts, small venues (100-200 people top) as well as bigger venues (500-1000 people) and open venues. I’m also talking just about what I know from the south; cities like Temuco where I live, Concepción where Luxiferion lives and I used to live for a few years, Valdivia where Mourner used to live, is like 30 percent of the country more less. In Santiago the capital city, there is a very active scene as well. It’s a very long country, so there are scenes that I don’t know well such as northern Chilean scene for example, and that explains also the variety of styles that Chilean musicians are able to achieve, in metal and other stuff too.
The environment here is a very adequate to be inspired and have experiences associated to this music, and, we are tremendously influenced by the European, North American scene and South American scene also, it's a mixture of many cultures I would say.

3.You released your first full album. How much interest is there in the world? Do you already play concerts abroad or only in your country and why and tell us whether you like playing in small clubs or on a big stage?
> Between 2017 and 2019 we played only 4 shows here in Chile, where we played our EP in its entirety and some covers. We’ve received a few messages and emails from fans asking to play live, but very few proposals have been enough serious to consider it.
How much interest is there in the world? Tough question… When we were just starting out, we suddenly got an offer from a Greek label, so, I think that put us on the map so to speak, of the international black and death metal scene. We've received quite a few messages, offers for artwork for our albums, national release proposals. However, it's been a process without rushing, both creatively and reaching out to fans and serious labels suitable for our style that are interested. We believe we have made progress, but it has always been a result of our own work to keep this band alive, so once the full album is released, then we will have a better view of where we can go from there and where we are positioned with regards to label partnerships and live shows.
Honestly speaking, we have been so busy in our personal life and different projects, away from each other living in different cities and focused on the production of the album release before anything else, that we have considered not to play live until that it’s done. Any serious offer that may come after the album release will be well received and discussed because we certainly want to play these new songs live, as well as older material in any part of the world.
4. On the new album - I didn't find any lyrics, what do they say and what do you want to convey to others?
> We have uploaded to our bandcamp two “demo tracks” from “Μετάνοια”, which has not been fully released yet. In the meantime, I can tell you that the lyrics continue to be straightforward but, in the sense of the concept, the process of writing them has been much meditated and it has been a challenging task to make them as I want them to be, living them, and trying to satisfy myself with the results and the people who will listen and read them.
The concept of the last record continues as the flesh deceases, to be reborn in this album. Beyond death, there is an ocean where spirituality and reality bond, in the realm of the unconscious. The journey is lead to a labyrinthian intricate process, where the ego and the blackness of us are meant to be the main target in the story. I think, we’ve managed to create something very raw and profound at the same time, let’s see what happens once the album is released.

5. Your area has a rather harsh climate and life style. How different is it from Europe or, for example, Africa, and is it economically and musically difficult and troublesome?
> If there is one damn thing about Chile is the inequality in terms of opportunities, financial support from the authorities (many of them are just robbers of the public funds as we all know here), lack of jobs, the difficult situation about finding a good rent place for the people of 20-40 years old and a large etcetera. Imagine that scenario and people who depend on their music career. For me at least has been a struggle between trying to maintain the band alive, even if we’re not playing live, and trying to escalate in a society that don’t support music or metal, at least in my experience living in Chile, because of the time and energy that implies to compose, produce and record material intended to be high quality music versus what the system demands on you it’s pretty much the same.
Here, many bands have started to play some homage bands, which is the easiest way to get gigs and get paid. The original bands have almost since always be self-funded and have a main source of incomes if you want to give a shot to music. I personally have chosen the harsh path, because I believe that perseverance and originality pay off.

6. What inspires you to write such texts, is it the place or your acquired knowledge?
> It’s a combination of many things. The inception of the concept begins in January of 2016 when I, had a very awful incident in which I was hit by a big truck while crossing the road on my bike. I was in coma for two days, woke up not remembering a thing and to be honest, in a very intense state of catharsis, full of wrath about what happened to me, a bit confused, and filled with emotions that didn’t fit with myself from that age at all (I was 21 y/o), but as the time passed, I started to assimilate life and death as part of a much bigger thing that affects all of us at the end. Then is when I decided to write about it, attend to therapy, meditate about it. Voxegrehscals also helped me a lot to organise some of the lyrics, add some of his verses too and give the story a logical order, as well as many conversations through the years about the inner self and metal.
I was since then, very awareness of signs daily; contemplating events, situations, human behaviour, social context of our country, the world, and somehow have managed to understand this as an initiation process. I also intend to learn as much as I can, about formal and esoteric science, philosophy, music and different forms of art, languages, a healthy style of life. All of that nourishes the lyrics.

7. Thank you for your time - what would you like to tell your fans and what would you like to tell new fans who don't know you yet and maybe invite you to a concert in Europe?
> Again, thanks for the interest. Hope we get to know Europe some time once the new album is out. We are working hard to make this new release incredible, so be patient. Any contact to hypnosinosis@gmail.com or through social media @hypnosinosis.
interview 2024 by Seducer

now ... we are going back to Europe, or rather a trailer, what is the island of Great Britain... I invite you to the interview.

1. Hello, first of all, tell us the history of the band, do you know each other from other projects and what fascinated you to play this way?
* I started the band as a solo project in North Wales back in 2016, partly as there was simply no one else to form a band with, and partly because I enjoy working in isolation, it allows the vision to take shape without distortion. The members I have now I all met through the band, besides our bass player, whom I met at university, but we also play together in a black thrash band called Insurgency.
2. You have been together since 2018, you recorded your second album. Why did you make fans wait so long for the whole album?
* Most of the album was written by early 2021, by that time the entirety of our first lineup had left/been removed from the band. As Covid restrictions were still in place, it made finding new members particularly difficult, by the time we did find a drummer and start rehearsing, he decided he didn't actually wish to record and also left, wasting another year for us. That took us to the end of 2022. Artwork delays then ended up costing us another year after the war in Ukraine prevented our original artist from completing the job, and finally was a wait of a few months to print vinyl and finalise release plans with our new label, Vendetta records.
This release was on a far greater scale than our previous two, featuring a music video, new formats (vinyl) and the like, so a lot of extra work was involved, in addition to the very large leap in musical complexity and the lyrical subject matter demanding reworks after each time death stepped into my life during these times. I believe that happened a total of 5 times. So yes, a lot happened that hindered us, but this is not a project that will be stopped. Fortunately we now have an excellent lineup that has been steady since 2022, and ample work has been done on a follow up already. Those years were not simply spent waiting around.
3. Do you play live and if not, when will it be? and if so, what do your concerts look like? Everyone stands in shock with their jaws open? How do YOU ​​see it from the stage, through your eyes? !
* Yes, in fact we head out on our longest tour to date at the end of the month, just over a week on the road with dead compatriots in Abduction.
In terms of how our shows look, I focus on communicating the sincerity and passion with which these songs are written. There are always blood and skulls present as a reminder of our subject matter, and wherever possible we use as much smoke as the venue can accommodate.
Through my eyes I can barely see anything owing to my hair, but I feel a great deal.
4. There are 6 songs on the last album, but what do they talk about and what do you want to convey to others with them? In which direction are they directed?
* As alluded to earlier, every song on our new album is about my experiences with grief. Since 2018 I've lost about half a dozen family members, some as young as their early 30s, Most of these deaths were very sudden, the longest wait after an issue was discovered was only 2-3 weeks, many of the others were simply phone calls that no-one wishes to receive. The album title was initially "To Bear the Weight of Death" in reference to the frequent coffin bearing I had to endure. Over the duration of creating the album, I worked through this grief, and my outlook on life radically transformed from a cynical and bitter one, to a profoundly appreciative one, both for my own very limited time here, and for the extraordinary people I am fortunate enough to call my family and friends. Nothing is taken for granted any more. I wanted to share, or reveal, this transformation to others, hence the title changing to "To Bare the Weight of Death".

5. 9 months have passed since the release of your album (like pregnancy) and how is your child received by a lot of fans, reviews and interviews? Is popularity a nuisance or a help?
* This release has propelled us to new heights, reaching scores of new listeners, both and home and abroad, that have been ordering from as far afield as Japan. It has been noticeable to the point that I see a couple of our own shirts being worn at a lot of gigs I attend just as a fan these days. The feedback has been tremendously positive, especially at our live performance. It is hard to articulate how much I appreciate people telling me how they've connected with the album through similar experiences. In short, I achieved my aims with this work.
6. Geopolitical question - how do you see the situation today on various fronts and will it go further or will we lose everything in this madness? The music is already losing money, what's next? What is your opinion?
* The situation today "on various fronts" is irrevocably fucked and I don't believe there is the political will to resolve any of it. In an era of ever encroaching authoritarian powers that are hellbent on taking a mile for every inch they are given by an increasingly apathetic society, I choose to focus on my own personal work and enjoy my life with like minded people in spite of the endless disasters that occur globally. I simply focus on what I have the power to change, for me that is more than enough to transform my life in a manner that suits me.
7. Thank you for your time and willingness to be interviewed. Follow your path of the left hand and lead your fans along it to victory, the kingdom! I leave the last words for them to you!
* Contemplate your own end, that of everything around you, and live accordingly. You have no time.
interview 2024 by Seducer