Extreme group, Extreme music, Extreme interview.
For the first time in the history of this zine an interview with a group from Georgia. Curious what they are talking about? I invite you to read it, which you will remember for a long time, and maybe it will pave the way for the scene from Georgia. It gives voice to musicians.

1. Hello, first of all, tell us something about yourself, what was your path to metal (because there are only two of you in the band).
-Yes, you are correct. At the moment Black Dust consists of two members. 'Talika' (Giorgi Talikadze) plays guitar and has done vocals and bass for our debut release, and myself (Giorgi Kartvelishvili) - on drums.
Georgian scene is quite small, so we've known each other for many years. Both of us are long-time fans of metal/hardcore punk music, and we have played previously in various local metal and hardcore bands. We had an idea to launch a death metal project a few years ago already, began to write some materials, made a couple of raw demos, but soon had to stop due to some personal issues, pandemic etc.
It was in summer 2023 when all of a sudden we decided to re-start it again in a more serious manner. One day I contact him and said: "Remember the death metal project that we started and didn't continue? Let's start it over now." We did, and we are quite satisfied with the results so far.
2. This year you released an EP with 6 songs. Tell more about it to new fans to attract them to you.
-In my opinion, our debut release "Katorga on a Distant Planet", launched in March 2024, turned out to be somehow a blend of several influences. Of course, first of all it is rooted in the old school death metal sound. However, it has also its own quite atmospheric, doomy and sometimes even ambient parts, where music drifts from energetic to moody vibes. It is not a surprise as we both love old school death metal including its revival wave of the recent years, doom death, brutal death etc.
I guess we've been influenced by both legendary and newer bands such as Suffocation, Cryptopsy, Bolt Thrower, Entombed, Autopsy, Devourment, Blood Incantation, Tomb Mold, Gatecreeper, Mortiferum, Dream Unending, Coffins... The list can go on. Therefore, I think the result is something that maybe sounds quite traditional, but with its own uniqueness.
3.Your scene is unknown to us, tell something about it to people from
the West who are confused about the Georgian scene.
-As I've already mentioned, Georgian heavy extreme musical scene in general is very small and unknown indeed. Not a surprise, as Georgia is a country with small population and lots of economic hardships. Our scene is also quite detached physically from the scenes in Europe/USA, which is also a big factor. Actually, this applies not only to Georgia, but the entire South Caucasus region. It is a relatively small group of people, majority of us knowing each other in person.
However, still I think there always have been something interesting going on here, in its own way.
We have a couple of names, mainly in black metal and its subgenres, that managed to receive bigger attention from outside of Georgia. Psychonaut 4 is the most obvious example of this. Another example I can remember of is Askeesi that got a recognition in Europe as well recently. Georgia has a couple of quality underground death metal acts also, such as Bohema and Angel of Disease.
In general, I think alternative, punk and recently post-punk scene have always been a bit bigger in scale and more popular traditionally here, which has its own reasons and factors. Our underground scene is both shaped and fueled by social-economic problems, lack of resources, small population and geographical isolation (e.g. compared to European states). Therefore, it is different from the scenes in the west with its own unique qualities.
4. Your texts, what do they say and what do you want to tell us?
-At first sight, our lyrical themes on "Katorga on a Distant Planet" definitely moves away from traditional death metal aesthetics focused on gore, brutality, hatred etc. When writing them I was not so much interested into going that direction. Instead, I've tried to construct a futuristic, dystopian, post-apocalyptic image that is, in my opinion, not less vile and dark than good old blood, bones and entrails.
Basically, lyrics of our songs are fragments and allegories of the dystopian future: decadence of the human civilization, post-apocalyptic desolation of the earth, labor camps on dark distant planets and so on. I guess I was heavily influenced by the 20th century sci-fi literature that circles around such themes. Back then, people were amazed by the immense technological progress, scientific advancements, exploration of the space. At the same time, they were also frightened by the danger of nuclear war, were thinking about possible virus outbreaks, threats from extraterrestrial civilizations etc. These excitements, fears and thoughts were reflected in the art of that period and in a very direct manner in the science fiction literature. Some of these fears are very actual nowadays as well. Also, our times have its own new concerns. Our aim was to depict these themes in our texts in an artistic way, things that are more real than we might think.

5. Covid - what was the experience like for you?
-That's an interesting topic. It was an event that drastically changed our everyday lives for about 2-3 years. Here, personally, we've been in long and strict lockdowns for a few times during that period. Isolation, economic difficulties, almost zero social activities, gatherings, shows or rehearsals etc. Some of us lost lives around us. Many of us lost jobs. So on a personal level it was quite a challenge for us obviously. Anxiety, depression, boredom. Of course, after some time you get used to it and learn how to live with it.
The lesson is, that once more it became evident that the system we live in is unable to handle and cope with such wide, global threats. Imagine if there is a similar outburst of a disease, but much more dangerous and deadly than COVID-19. We can easily predict what the consequences will be unless some things in our societies change fundamentally.

6. Geopolitical question - when we hear Georgia, we only know - Stalin was born there, Russia was there and still occupies your lands, now it occupies Ukraine. Your opinion... and what will happen next?
- Well, all that you've listed is correct. In general, Georgia is a highland country with beautiful nature, and unique society with long history, with lots of influences from different cultures and civilizations. Nowadays, geopolitically we lie on the crossroads of East and West, as a part of what's referred as post-Soviet space.
You've mentioned Russia and Ukraine. Russia, in its current aggressive, peripheral capitalist imperialist form, has been trying to cement its influence on neighboring countries by both economical and by direct military force. Moreover, Putin has been flirting with far-right, fascist ideology recently, but his political and economic aims are quite raw and direct. The aggressive military methods to achieve the goals are also very direct.
On the other hand, we are also part of a current global economic system which with its own logic is also oppressive for peripheral countries like us. What will happen next? It is hard to predict, as always. In my opinion, the only way out is the strengthening of progressive movements in our societies that challenge the ruling elites and attempt to go beyond the logic of the big capital and its imperialist machinery. We need to construct an alternative vision of our societies that will not be aimed to serve the interest of the few. According to the current situation, one might think that this is some kind of utopia, but in my opinion, the biggest utopia is to believe that there is a possibility to change things positively for majority of us without doing that. And history is full of unexpected events, which at the same time, is frightening, but also leaves us with hope.
7. How would you encourage new fans to listen and encourage you to create new material?
-Our music might be worth checking out for those who enjoy heavy, dark and gloomy music. We will continue what we're doing as long as there are enough ideas and resources to continue. Of course, positive reception from listeners is very encouraging and motivating for us. At the end of the day, music is something that has to be experienced by the listeners.
Our debut "Katorga on a Distant Planet" was released in March, 2024, initially in digital form and is available basically everywhere online. We are planning to release it on CDs and tapes through various labels in Europe (Rotten Tomb, Old Skull Productions) and USA (Iron Fortress), so watch out for it!
8.The end is yours!
-It was a nice conversation. Good luck to Blood Circle and its readers.

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/69YxkEoo0zsU7fxz3x64Uo?si=njcuDZTISt2CSRsogL_oig
Bandcamp: https://blackdustdm.bandcamp.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/blackdustdm/
Email: blackdustdm@outlook.com
Here is a band i never hear like that...what is about it ? Enjoy interview with
Ben - Venomous Echoes

1. Hello, Ben, first of all, say: you have been doing this project yourself, for 4 years, but you have already released two full albums. My question is: how do you find the time and inclination for this? Tell us your reasons for creating this type of music?
I find time to make music fairly easy because I record everything from home. That is how this project began after the pandemic. I wasn't able to play live, so I dived into the world of home recording, Mixing, and Mastering.
2 . Where do you get your inspiration and how long have you been involved in metal? What were your beginnings like with him?
I created this project at first just for fun and not knowing what to really do with it. But when I released my first actual EP "Twists of Slurs" I began telling my my story of my struggles with depression, anxiety, and the root cause of it all, which body dysmorphia. I have hated myself since I was a little kid because of my weight and looks. I have never felt comfortable in my own skin still to this day.
I have been making metal music since I was 14 and I am now 35. The first metal album I ever heard was Ride The Lightning by Metallica. And I was hooked ever since.
My beginnings with music come from my father who passed away in 2008 when I was 20. He taught me how to play bass and that remains my main instrument to this day. But going from Metallica, the first extreme metal album I ever heard was Once Upon The Cross by Deicide. I was absolutely floored and stunned by that album. And it took my down the path of weirder and more extreme bands such as Morbid Angel, Mayhem, Blut Aus Nord, and Ævangelist.

3.What bands are your role models and why?
I think the biggest influences for this project in particular are Portal, Leviathan, and Antediluvian. Those are the bands I had in mind when I got serious about writing for this band. But I also pull from prog influences as well from bands such as The Mars Volta, Artificial Brain, and King Crimson. If not musically, it would be for how they approach albums and sounds. I also pull from noise artists like Deterge, Peter Woods, and a lot of Dayton noise artists that I have known for years like Being, Orgasmic Response Unit, and CLVIII.
4. You're from Ohio, do you know the music scene there? Tell me something about it?
There used to be a strong scene in Ohio, Dayton where I am and also Lima. But it has faded over the years it's not like it used to be in my opinion. So I started a new journey with this project. The noise scene is still going ok here in Dayton with Skeleton Dust Records holding experimental shows. But the metal scene is almost non existent.

5. Covid - what and if any impact did it have on you?
Covid is really when this project started as I mentioned before. The isolation though made me sink into a pretty awful depression and brought the themes of this project to forefront more than ever.
6. Geopolitical question - War in Eastern Europe, NATO support, heat in the Middle East, Trump is returning to be president, conflict with Taiwan soon, Africa is clinging to Russia, Russia is clawing at Western Europe - how do you approach all this?
Honestly, with the wars that are happening and all the horrible politicians and presidents, I just don't turn on the TV to see all that shit. It would only make my depression much worse, and my anxiety would go through the roof.
I don't like politics or politicians. One thing I will say is that it is sad that there are so many wars going on. And I feel for all the victims of senseless violence.

7. Let's get back to music - what do your lyrics say, what do you want to convey, what message are you sending us?
The lyrics are basically about a man who undergoes multiple grotesque transformations at the expense of unfathomable forces. The man is me essentially. In my first album he is ripped and torn and reassembled into something new to appease the Eye of Cosms (a being of judgement) the tomb is a representation of depression and how it can destroy you if you let it. The first album is about the first phase of these transformations and torture and preparing for the second sequence, which is told in the new album. Split Formations and Infinite Mania is a direct continuation of Writhing Tomb Amongst The Stars. The transformations are more rapid and more grotesque to create a new elder God. The protagonist (me) in order to complete the process of full transformation must embrace nihilism. But at the end, he faces the Eye of Cosms and is rejected and thrown into another dimension called Malcloid, the real of pure darkness and despair. And that will be where the future album will pick up from.
8. Finally, thank you for your time, tell me how and where we can find you to buy and listen to music. The last words are yours! Give us your vision, shout ❗
Thank you so much for asking me to do this. I am always willing to share my story with others in hopes of letting others who struggle with depression, anxiety, and body issues know that they are not alone. You can find my music at:
The concept is not over. In fact, my third full length is nearly finished as we speak. So, I hope to continue to make this music and share more with others soon.

1. Hello Joris, thank you for your time to Zine and the fans. Nether has been around for 4 years, two albums have already been released, the years are running out. Tell us about your beginnings with metal ?
We are a set of individuals that are active in the underground blackmetalscene for several decades so nothing new there. After the split of Necrosis and putting Signs of Darkness in “the fridge” I felt it was time to start something new and hence with K, B and P (previously active in Signs of Darkness) we started nether. Just with one goal, to write aggressive melodic and fast black metal. And as such the first album released through the Spanish Art Gates records, Between Shades And Shadows, was the first release of the band. It was a release on CD and digitally. With the cooperation of the Adam of the German Schattenpfade label we where able to release that album in limited edition vinyl version. Some copy’s are still left, so be quick! The second album The Blood of Rats is set to be released on the 25th of July of this year. It’s a cooperation between Dutch Void Wanderer and Portugese War productions. We are excited! It’s a strong yet diverse blackmetalalbum with lots of fast pace drumming, bitting riffs and haunting melodies.
2.Let's go back to the Nether, a new album of 7 tracks. What are the lyrics about and what do you tell us with them?
The Blood Of Rats is a fluent continuum after Between Shades and Shadows. Where the first album states that every individual is like a tree solid in his own soil, the second album is about those people, we call them rats, that want to poison you as a person. All the lyrics I write come forth from my personal life. So you could state it’s in a way a personal album. For example the opening song “For Your Own Glory” handles about those set of individuals that act only for there own and for there own believes. “The Obelisk” refers to strong people, rooted in their own soil and hence is a reflection of our work on the previous album.
3 . You sing in other 4 groups. Do you have time and energy for it?
That is not correct. I was active in Signs of Darkness but activities in that band are put on hold indefinitely. I did backings vocals and bass on the last Insanity Reigns Supreme album Unorthodox. I also did bass on the first Serpents Oath album, Nihil. Besides that I was active in Absynthium a melodic deathmetalband that does not exist anymore. So only one band… but that ‘s is not totally correct. Recentely I started working with Consanguineus of Wurgilno on a new project, Vergankelijk an atmosferic black metal band.
4. Fresh blood in the team, a lot of new ideas. The metal scene in Belgium today and in the past ? Tell me something about it ( mentioning Christo Szpajdel ) ?
Fresh blood in the team? In a certain way you are correct. P did leave nether a few months before the release of the first album, Between Shades and Shadows. That’s why we started working with M (also active in High Inquisitor Woe) as a session musician for studio and live work. The blackmetalscene in Belgium is a well known one. I do not have to tell you about bands as Enthroned, Ancient Rites that are still active. But there are lot’s of talented bands the list would be to long to mention them all but think of Serpents Oath, Nyrak both extremely talented blackmetalbands, the doommetalband My Lament, the deathmetalband Slaugther The Giant. And yes we worked with the lord of the logos mister Szpajdel, also an extremely talented artist. But still I have to mention the exceptional work of Wesley Dewanckel the artist who did the frontcover of our latest album. Not to forget Wessel Reijman and Jb Van der Wal who did the recordings, mixing and mastering of that album. To mention those last two are not from Holland!

5. New album - what is the response of the fans, any plans for concerts?
The new album is set to be released as I mentioned before so the respons of the fans is yet to be awaited for but up until now we have released two singles. You can find them on Youtube, Spotify… as teaser for the new album! Concerning concerts we have lots of dates planned in Belgium and Germany but if you guys know some more venues do not hesitate to contact us.
6. Melodic Black Metal ! Black Metal yes, but what Medolic because I can't find myself and why such a pigeonhole?
We play black metal since we could handle guitars and that’s for quite some decades now and with this knowledge you should know we are all used to listen to the first albums of Dissection, Sacramentum, Setherial, Dark Funeral, Marduk, Naglfar… and that’s why we state that we play this subgenre of black metal. In my opinion we only play what we like, the meaning of others in that way is trivial.
7. Geopolitical question - life on the edge, every day. War in the east, elections to the European Parliament, death in the Gaza Strip.Does it also affect you,Tv Brain wash,music milling on YT?
In no way nether is a political band and we do not answer these kind of questions.
8. Finally, redirect the fans, where can they find you, your music and ect?
Thanks for this interview and making it possible to tell you something more about nether. You can find us on: