1.The next group in your career. Sacriversum from 1992, something
quieted down to 2005, why?
Well, Sacriversum was basically the second serious band on my musical path. First, for three months (March-June 1992) I briefly visited Pandemonium. Then, just after the release of the legendary demo tape "Devilri", Paul and Zuber (R.I.P) had a disagreement with Simon about something and that's how I joined their band for a short time. But soon I resigned and Simon returned to the line-up... But I was hungry to play so I immediately contacted Herszt and Ślepy, two of my buddies, who were looking for a bassist and vocalist after the breakup of Dead Evil, their former band. And so it began! From the very beginning Sacriversum played melodic death / thrash metal, supported by a keyboard after a year of the band's existence. Later, in the following years, we started to soften our style, moving towards gothic music: female vocals appeared on the second album. This made our fans split into two groups. When, eventually, we signed a record deal with Metal Mind Productions, the band started to accelerate its career. But just then (2005) internal tensions burst the band from the inside out. We have suspended our activities. Today, almost a year from the moment of reactivation, we play again, but in a style much closer to our beginnings: death/thrash with an unusual use of keyboards.
2.What style does the group play in and were the previous ones in a similar style?
It depends on which bands we are talking about, because every current member of our line-up has played in many formations before. My beginnings were death black metal in Pandemonium, but later, when Sacriversum was on hiatus, I played (for ex ample) for eight years in the group called Artrosis, known for their dark/electro metal style. Sacriversum's guitarist, MacKozer, played in this band with me, but he had also played progressive rock before. Baran, our keyboardist, is a bluesman and a rockman by nature, and he plays in such bands on a daily basis. The drummer, Janek, is a professional musician, he finds himself in every musical genre, although of course metal is his favorite style.
3.5 whole albums. Isn't that too little for so many years?
Sacriversum's musical activity lasted 13 years until it was suspended in 2005. That would mean the band released an average of like one and a half of albums every two years, haha! I guess it's not that bad. In the metal style, there are not too many bands with a similar experience and number of albums released.
4.There are four of you in the group. Have you known each other for a long time?
The current line-up includes two musicians who remember the very beginnings of the band: me and Baran, who joined the first line-up of Sacriversum after a year of our activity, just after the release of the demo "Dreams of Destiny". We recorded our first long-playing album in 1994, already with Baran in the line-up. The next in terms of seniority is MacKozer, who became the guitarist of Sacriversum probably in 2000, with him we recorded the last two albums so far: "Mozartia" and "Sigma Draconis". Baran was no longer in the band at that time, because he left right after the release of the first album, before stylistic changes we implemented. He doesn't really feel gothic vibes. Janek, our youngest musician, joined the band already at the reactivation stage, i.e. in 2022. And it was a great decision, because without him this band certainly could not be reactivated - he is our strongest link, in many senses.
5.Changes in group teams. Or also changes in places of residence?
No, we all live in Łódź, so the issue of rehearsals is not a problem for us. However, we observe many friendly teams composed of people living in different parts of the world. Somehow they succeed. I think that nowadays it is no longer a problem.
6.What about concerts in Poland and abroad?
After the band's reactivation, we play quite regularly, at least once a month. So in this respect we cannot complain. A very important event awaits us, because on December 1-3, 2023 we will perform as one of the Polish supports in front of the legend of the metal underground, the mighty Master. We can't wait for these three days and performances in Częstochowa, Łódź and Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski.
7.Timely question! Would you play a concert in Russia?
It is known that the war started by Russia in Ukraine has a wide resonance here in Poland. Poland helps Ukraine as much as it can. We, of course, do not support this war or any other acts of aggression against human freedom. But we must remember that international politics is one thing and the peaceful and friendly intentions of individual people are completely different. We haven't had an offer to perform in Russia yet, but if one came, we would definitely consider it seriously. Much would depend on who would invite us, under what conditions and with what intentions. Because we would 100% reject such a proposal aimed at supporting Putin's regime
.8.Covid19, now war in the east. How does it affect you?
Well, in recent years metal bands - and the music industry in general - haven't had a great time because of all these difficulties. Some bands, like Anathema for example, did not survive, which we greatly regret. However, I hope that this is now behind us. Our team currently does not experience any problems related to emerging global threats. May it stay like this forever and for everyone.
cooperation with metal mind production over the last few years. Satisfied? , for a longer period of time ?
Signing the contract with MMP was a special stage in the history of Sacriversum. We were noticed by the head of the company, the late Tomasz Dziubiński, when, together with MacKozer, we supported Artrosis on the promotional tour of their fifth album. As a band, we signed a contract to release three albums, of which we managed to release two before the dissolution of Sacriversum. I can't say anything bad about the cooperation with MMP at that time, because although the terms of the contract were not particularly lucrative for us, they were 100% met. Today, however, it is history. Coming back in 2022, we focused on our underground roots and we are very pleased with the fact that our former colleagues, old metalheads, still remember us. We also already have another publisher who has offered us cooperation in the future. Everything is going well again.
9.cooperation with metal mind production over the last few years.
Satisfied? , for a longer period of time ?
Signing the contract with MMP was a special stage in the history of Sacriversum. We were noticed by the head of the company, the late Tomasz Dziubiński, when, together with MacKozer, we supported Artrosis on the promotional tour of their fifth album. As a band, we signed a contract to release three albums, of which we managed to release two before the dissolution of Sacriversum. I can't say anything bad about the cooperation with MMP at that time, because although the terms of the contract were not particularly lucrative for us, they were 100% met. Today, however, it is history. Coming back in 2022, we focused on our underground roots and we are very pleased with the fact that our former colleagues, old metalheads, still remember us. We also already have another publisher who has offered us cooperation in the future. Everything is going well again.
10.when is the new album, concerts (in the UK), T-shirts, patches?
We will soon announce the details of cooperation with the label that has shown interest in our team. We plan to release at least one album, but also other, occasional releases. All this, along with further dates, will be officially announced soon. Today, we do not talk about these details until the signatures are placed on the contract. As for concerts, we already have some plans for next year, but it is still too early to talk about the details. Follow our band’s channels, especially FB! For now, until the end of this year, we are still promoting the reactivation of our first album: we have T-shirts and patches, the last copies of "The Shadow..." and we offer this merch at concerts. We run also our shipment service, so if anybody would like to contact us via the band’s FB profile, please feel welcome
11.thank you for your time and answers. My last question:
will you ever go back to playing Pandemonium,
or will Artrosis play again and you with them?
Thank you very much, it was my pleasure! Pandemonium recently resumed rehearsals with a new line-up, they have a great bassist, so there is no question of my return, haha! There will probably be no proposal for me or MacKozer to return to Artrosis. But I never say never. We consider every proposal to help friendly teams very carefully. However, a lot depends on our individual capabilities, because no one has much free time. Finally, I would like to thank you once again for the interview and all readers for their attention. See you at the concerts!

1. Hello, you are from the frosty north of Finland. Your band has been on the scene for 10 years.
3 large albums, many EPs/demos. Tell us how this happened?
These kind of things tend to happen when you’re possessed by the devil. Even I’m pretty bamboozled by our productivity during these ten years. I have a huge curiosity regarding the way Vonülfsrëich has been living its own life, as if it’s not our own band in the first place. Things just HAPPEN, magically enough. Must be the weather...
2. Your music is quite raw. It has something from the first Immortal. Do you also hear it that way and why?
I don’t think I have ever “stolen” any IMMORTAL elements into my music. Their riffs have always been too fucking WEIRD to me. However, I do enjoy their early albums, like the first four or so. The earlier the better, I think. Fuck that later era major label circus clown bullshit!
I’m myself higly allergic to “good” production, especially within extreme music, thus I prefer it “necro”. Many of our works we have recorded with a very shitty equipment, so that doesn’t make things any easier for lots of people.
3.There are two of you left.What happened to LEMPO?
I have absolutely no idea. I was in Croatia when the whole thing went down, so I wasn’t around at that point. What I do know is that one of the coolest, craziest die-hard weirdoes is gone, and that has left a huge void into our dismal little world. Rest in power, my friend. Until we meet again...
4. I guess everyone asks you about this? Have you had contact with anyone from Beherit, did their music influence you? (I personally also like FURIA, IN.).
No, I haven’t had any contact with the BEHERIT guys. But I’m totally looking forward to finally catch them live in my hometown next January. I just witnessed a fucking KEUHKOT live performance here, and now this. Weird times.
BEHERIT is one of the most important Finnish bands for us, so yeah, there might be some tireheB influences planted into our musical DNA as well.
5. Cold raw Black Metal to the bone. How is the scene in Finland today?
Finland is a one big black metal SHITHOLE now. Too many stereotypical bands, too much professional “black promotion metal”, too much nerdy medieval synth crap, too much politics; be it merry redneck white trash metal OR wimpy p.c. hipster bullshit. I haven’t checked too many new bm releases lately. The new SICKNESS album was pretty MENTAL though. Not to forget the latest CLANDESTINE BLAZE, always delivers. Guess I’m pretty conservative when it comes to my metalhead habits, conditioned by old cult classics…
6. Covid, war - did it or does it affect you?
No effect whatsoever. We live in our own numinous worlds.
7.Plans for the future, concerts?
We don’t play live shows. The older I get, the more I dislike the idea of being on stage, performing to anyone. That would almost feel like customer service, so NO THANKS!!! With that being said, it’s always a pleasure to go see some cool bands live, no problem. This year alone I have seen several kickass ug death metal, heavy rock, hardcore and noise gigs less than two kilometres from my front door. But yeah, I’m better off in the audience instead of sweating under the spotlights.
Right now, we are wrapping up our fourth full-length album. Should be out somewehere around next year. Totally BARBARIC shit. Be forewarned…
8. Thank you for your time. Blasphemies at the end !
Hail the Polish maniacs!!! SIEKIERA RULES!!!