It's time for something that hasn't been in my magazines for a long time, this time I invite you to Brazil. Let's open the gates to the Satanic Empire !

1. Hail , Lord Ba'alzebulth . Satanic Empire has been around since 2023, you already released a full album in 2024. Tell us about your path to metal, what did it look like yesterday and what does it look like today?
* I started listening to metal very early before I was 10 years old, and I always dreamed of playing the guitar, but it was only 3 years ago that I decided to start learning to play, and I bought my first guitar...everything happened very quickly today I spend all my free time involved with bands, I really like what I'm doing... I even started another project One Man Band, Putrefact Christ, which just released its first album on June 3rd... in other words, today my life and almost entirely focused on the bands.

2. You did a split with MG08. Was it the first such project and how did this idea come to your mind and with what effect?
* Actually it was the second one but it's definitely one of the best works, he's a great friend and I really like the sound of the MG08 so I had the idea of ​​inviting him to the split
3. Let's go back to the new album. How much does it differ from previous releases and what do the lyrics talk about?
* Oh yes, it is certainly faster and more chaotic, with the entry of the other vocalist Terror Warlust it was certainly the main novelty... the lyrics talk about Satanism, anti-Christianity, they declare my total hatred against the church and its servants (exception the song Air Strike, which was recorded in collaboration with MG08, is more focused on war, an air attack, as the name suggests).

4. Brazil, because that's where the band comes from. Would you recommend someone from your backyard?
* Ah yes, without a doubt we have a lot of good things here... and it's even difficult to mention but here we go
Necrosound, Wolflust, Accupitorium, The Torment, Cadaveric Infection, Blood Torment..
5. Quite a difficult geopolitical topic - wars in the East, gas in the blood, economic problems in South Latin America, elections in the USA soon. Does it have any impact on your band and you in your personal life?
* In economic terms, it ends up making things difficult, yes, after all, everything has a cost, but anyway, what can I do and continue working, doing what needs to be done and honoring our father Satan... we are here for war, no matter what happens.

6. Do you play live, if so what are your concerts like, what does it look like on the other side of the stage and when can we see you in Europe?
* Not yet, for now the band is just me and Vocalist Terror Warlust, when we find a drummer I'll start planning shows .
7. I know that your scene is very different than in Europe or Continental Europe. What influences your overall inspiration or stage art?
* inspiration..starts from the beginning of what I believe is true Black metal
Black Metal is a weapon of war for our freedom, against the Christian curse and its false God, against the weakness and submission that has been taught for centuries by the church and very well used by our politicians...
And always honor Satan our Father.

8. Finally, tell us where fans can find you on what websites and buy your CDs etc.
* We are on all digital platforms ,Physical material you can find
Jems Label (United States),Trench Warfare (Turkia),Bandcamp

9. Thank you very much for your time for the interview and roar with the voice of Lucifer's imagination!
* I am grateful for the opportunity to be here, it was an honor!
And to the brothers of true Black metal, may Satan fill their souls and hearts with fire and infernal fury and eliminate the false and weak because Black metal is no place for them.
Satanic Empire
* portuguese
E aos irmãos do verdadeiro Black metal que Satan encha suas almas e seus corações com fogo e a furia infernal e elimine os falsos e fracos pois Black metal nao e lugar para eles!

seducer 2024y.

1. Hello, Namtar. You have been in existence for 12 years, 3 full albums, singles, split. The last album "Cez Ostrie Skal 2022". Tell us something about it, how it was created and how it was received by fans?
Well, in comparison to previous releases this time all band took their part in the writing and creation process. It is also probably a release with best production – mixing and mastering was done by Dark Prod in Sweden and the guy behind it did a great job. I think it was received well, we have already run out of our copies so there is some interest in the album.
2. All publications are in your Slovak language. Does this prevent reception outside your country? (sounds iconic to me!)
I do not think so. I have listened to many bands from Scandinavia and not understanding lyrics was part of mystery. There are people who say that they do not listen to our music because they do not understand language, but they have no problem listening to band with English titles where you cannot understand a word. Many others do not object. For us it is important to have lyrics that speak of what is important for us and have some poetic qualities.

3. Can we expect a new album this year?
Well, no. We decided to slow it a bit this time after releasing two full lengths in 2021 and 2022. But we have plenty of material for the next album which is planned for the next year. It does not mean we are sitting idly, however. Last year we took part in the split with Stworz and Jassa titled Sny Zmory and this year we have released cassette version of rehearsal titled ÄŒierny Havran (Black Raven).
4. ...and concerts? Any plans for this year?
We have played one-day festival in Bratislava headlined by Heimdalls Wacht (Winter Pagan Feast) and one gig in Bydgoszcz in Poland so far. One or two gigs in Slovakia are planned and there are talks about possible future concert in Czech Republic as well. That will be probably all for this year.

5. What do your Slovak words - texts talk about?
They are based on the nature, old tales and spirituality.
6. What are you inspired by? Do you walk through forests and mountains and get ideas, or do you lock yourself in a dark basement and draw power astrally in your thoughts?
I prefer mountains with fresh air and broad sky above or old dense forests and old castle ruins as sources of inspiration. I do not mind darkness though but let it be not a locked basement but a night on a bald mountain.

7. How is your cooperation with the publisher going? Will it have a greater impact?
We work with Werewolf Promotion for already some time and we hope that the collaboration will continue in the future.
8. What do you want to tell your fans, where can they buy and listen to you? Is your music the key to the gates of hell?
The most preferable way if they want to support us is by buying physical releases but you can also find it on bandcamp and probably on variety of other places. I think that the key to the literal Gates of Hell is sitting on your ass all day long and watching fucking TV or something similar.

9. Thank you for your time. I leave the last words to you, like an introduction to the book of Evil!
Thanks for the interview and for the support!
seducer 2024

1. Hello, let's start the interview from the beginning. Your history of creation and your history, the path to metal!?
Seve Kitaristi: 1: As for myself i wanted to do this since i was like 10 years old. My friend showed me Children of bodom, Cannibal corpse and dissection and ever since i was like ”i wanna be like those guys” . Our drummer Mauno brought us together, when i saw the facebook post he made asking for a guitarist in a black metal band i didn’t hesitate for a second. Thus Nocturnal exorcism was born.
2. You are from Finland. Tell us from Europe and the rest of the world what you have already recorded, and if not, when will it be released?
Seve Kitaristi: 2: we are currently making our first album. We already have a rehearsal demo released, but we are going to release it with more songs and better quality.

3. How is the scene in Finland today compared to back then?
Seve Kitaristi: 3: Back then… you should ask this from Mauno or Topi. I am the youngest one of the group haha. But still, music industry has changed alot compared to those days.
4. Your music is inspired by Darkthrone. Why them?
Seve Kitaristi: 4: Their raw and old school style inspires us. Darkthrone is straight forward no over technical metal which is what we inspire to play. Athmosphere before technicality. Thats how we roll.
5. Your vocals are amazing. Can you give young people tips on how to achieve this effect?
Seve Kitaristi: 5: be brave and dont be afraid to scream your lungs out. Eventually you will find your voice.

6. Album, interviews, T-shirts, patches, concerts: when will the machine of profits, glory and fame start?
Seve Kitaristi: 6: personally i am not looking for ”fame”.. i just want to release my music and show those who are interested how i see the world. If it brings bread to my table im more than fine with just that. I think i can speak for rest of my bandmates too that we are not trying to become ”celebrities”.
Just trying to spread our dark and unholy message.
Seve Kitaristi: 6: There will be CD’s and cassettes soon. T-shirts and other merch too.
7. What do you tell your fans about with your texts? Evil Message!?
Seve Kitaristi: 7: If you ask me our text and lyrics are about accepting you as who you are. Thats what satanism is for me. We dont believe in christianity, now we attack it.
Mauno: I play same gig Darkthrone 1991 8-sali Finland.. i am about 15-16 years old.. i meet Culto and Fenriz.. i remember that Day hole My Life..
I am understand some alternative style sorry trash Black Metal or i belive old shcool style
Mauno says.

8. Geopolitical question: ... border with Russia - hot or waiting before the storm? You've already had conflicts and wars with them in history!?
Seve Kitaristi: 8: its not uncommon that finns have negative attitude towards russians. However, i am not the one to speak about politics. I let the smarter ones to argue about it hehe.
Mauno: I am not understand some mix styles.
9. Finally, thank you for your time and your most important words for the fans! The Devil's cry and an invitation to Hell !
Seve Kitaristi: 9: I’m honored to answer all these questions. As for the message to fans: Dont underestimate yourself. When you get the vision you truly should thrive towards it. Hail darkness.
seducer 2024

1. Welcome at the beginning give us a short history of the group.
The idea to start a new band came with the creation of a couple of songs (one was World Cadaver) that we didn´t think fit with any of the bands we were active in at the moment.
We decided to start a new band that play dark old school death metal in the vein of those songs, and HCF was recruited on vocals, and later base. Shortly after that the Doom Prayer demo was written and recorded.
We do consider Abysmal Winds our main priority and not a side-poject though.
2. You have released the full album 'Magna Pestilencia' which contains 9 tracks. My question - what do the lyrics say, what do you want to convey to us with them?
The lyrics mainly deals with subjects such as the futile struggles, misery and death of humanity and the darker sides of religion and spirtualism.
The lyrics is a way for us to convey our views on the world, both on the terrestial and celestial planes.
3.Listening to the album I didn't look where you are from and Entombed and Unleashed came to mind, and yet you are from AVSKY, Sweden. Why is Abysmal Winds close to that Swedish death metal and AVSKY is very different?
We´ve been into extreme metal for a long time (since the nineties) and we love all kinds of extreme metal (whether it´s old black metal, death or thrash).
Avsky was/were more of our take on of more classic northern black metal, and Corpsehammer a manifest for our love for obscure south-american black/death.
In Abysmal Winds we want to create the type of dirty, dark and ancient death metal we love and grew up with.

4. The Swedish scene today and the one in the 90s. What is it like today in your opinion?
Sweden have always had a strong metal scene. I was always more into american/british death metal than the swedish sound though. But there were a lot of great extreme bands here as well.
There is still a strong scene here. With many great bands still active and new ones emerging, many cool festivals and shows still happening.
But it´s easy to miss out on great artists in th vast stream of new music and bands being published every day
5.Coming back to the music - Abysmal Winds is Death Metal.How do the fans perceive you at concerts, what is the intetration between you and the fans?
We only played 2 shows so far, but the response of those were very good.
We try to evolve our show and want it to be more than just music, we want to offer an experience beyond just music. An exerience for all senses.

6. Do you give concerts outside Sweden, if so, what are your plans?
We´ve never played abroad with Abysmal Winds, but we would really like to. But we have no such plans at the moment.
7. Question to the Swedes: What would your metal be like today if Quorthorn was still alive and creating? Have you ever met him?
We never met him.
I really don´t think the metal scene would be any different if he was still alive. The last albums wasn't that influencial and did't really make any impact, and he wans´t really an active part of the metal scene.
But the metal scene would be very different with him though. The first 6 albums are true milestones and their inflence on extreme metal can not be overrated.

8. Question to Necro : not too many artists tattoo anymore ? Do they have a goal as a whole?
I don't really know, I don't tattoo myself.
The majority of my tattoos ware made by Midnight Horror (who is also the vocalist in Corspehammer).
9.When can we buy your T-shirts, patches ect ? Thirsty fans ask!
We don't have any shirts or patches for sale at the moment. But when we do (we have some plans for shirts in motion) we will probably sell them through our bandcamp or at shows.
10. We invite you to concerts around the world. How to contact you? Thank you for your time and see you at the concerts and we are waiting for the new album!
Easiest would be thousgh our mail, instagram or facebook.
Thanks for the support, we really appreciate it!

1. Hello, you are one of Nocturnal Exmortism from Finland, with whom there was already an interview here, but YOU are one of the organizers of the concert in 1991 in Lahti. Remind us who played there, what bands?
- Yes i am drum player Nocturnal Exorcism (ex-Agonized drummer) Nocturnal Exorcism is my new band. True Old Shcool Black Metal from Finland.
We organizer one event concert 8-sali Lahti Finland.. not first event. Band play : Agonized,Prestige, Darkthrone etc. Prestige call me Friday and Ask can Prestige and Darkthrone play next Day we events.. i say of course because like IT both band much .. but i know Darkthrone.. because i am big fan Black Metal..
2. Why I'm talking to you about this is because you've met and talked to the guys from Darkthrone. My question is: what were they like back then, did you talk to them for a long time or only briefly, what were they talking about and are they professionals (this was their beginning on the stage!)?
- We play Agonized gig and we stop Fenriz whaiting stage and say me and vocals .. Agonized play Fucking good Death metal and Ask demo .. we give two .. about two weeks gigs we get lot fanpost etc... Fenriz share we demo hole world..
If i am not remember wrong Darkthrone done only one gig Norway .. and Then Riihimäki and Lahti.. 93 last gig Norway.. Yes Lahti Gigs i remember My hole Life.

3. As you already know, I talked to Fenris over a beer, but what impression did HE make on you and why do you still recall it and remember it?
- I am drum player and Fenriz its one and only Black Metal drummer ..sorry i dont know anyone WHO play same style ( everyone LP IS art) I am about 15-16 old when i meet Fenriz (now i am 49 soon 50) but i remember that Day hole My life.
4. The concert in Lahti, what was it like and are there still fans who remember it?
- Lahti 8-sali Finland of course Many remember that evening and gig.. we organize Many gig but this gig IS special .. one and only Darkthrone Make history.

5. Recorded on video (YT) and CD. Did you meet them after this concert years later?
- Yes we record gig vhs camera.. today i am not know where IS that orginal VHS tape IS (gylve nagel) singature.. no i am meet after gig Darkthrone but i hope i meet someday maybe we go play Norway we hope so..
6. What influence has Darkthrone had on you and your music?
- I am big fan Darkthrone and maybe Nocturnal Exorcism fans hear that music what we do..
7. I will ask you about those times 1989-1991 Black Metal War. and Impaled Nazarene. Tell me about it, YOU from those times.
- Remember Black Metal war Norway.. of course because i read and looking skene much because i interesting Black Metal and Satanic thing .. Many years . . I hear Luttinen get some message Norway If Impaled nazarene come Norway someone kill he.. i dont know but maybe Luttinen and Impaled nazarene IS not only.. maybe i know WHO send all messages.. maybe not ..

8. What about your band - Agonized - why didn't they come back and record more?
- Sorry Agonized IS history .. My way IS now Nocturnal Exorcism Iam want only do some Black Metal what someone remember .. My last thing My life
9. Finally, what is your dream and would you go back to those times if you could?
- Only one dream .. get record deal good label and gig Norway..
Thanks you : Lord Antikristus .. Nocturnal Exorcism drummer