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It's time for something that hasn't been in my magazines for a long time, this time I invite you to Brazil.  Let's open the gates to the Satanic Empire !

1. Hail , Lord Ba'alzebulth . Satanic Empire has been around since 2023, you already released a full album in 2024. Tell us about your path to metal, what did it look like yesterday and what does it look like today? 


 * I started listening to metal very early before I was 10 years old, and I always dreamed of playing the guitar, but it was only 3 years ago that I decided to start learning to play, and I bought my first guitar...everything happened very quickly today I spend all my free time involved with bands, I really like what I'm doing... I even started another project One Man Band, Putrefact Christ, which just released its first album on June 3rd... in other words, today my life and almost entirely focused on the bands.

2. You did a split with MG08. Was it the first such project and how did this idea come to your mind and with what effect?


* Actually it was the second one but it's definitely one of the best works, he's a great friend and I really like the sound of the MG08 so I had the idea of ​​inviting him to the split 


 3. Let's go back to the new album. How much does it differ from previous releases and what do the lyrics talk about? 


* Oh yes, it is certainly faster and more chaotic, with the entry of the other vocalist Terror Warlust it was certainly the main novelty... the lyrics talk about Satanism, anti-Christianity, they declare my total hatred against the church and its servants (exception the song Air Strike, which was recorded in collaboration with MG08, is more focused on war, an air attack, as the name suggests). 

4. Brazil, because that's where the band comes from. Would you recommend someone from your backyard?


* Ah yes, without a doubt we have a lot of good things here... and it's even difficult to mention but here we go
Necrosound, Wolflust, Accupitorium, The Torment, Cadaveric Infection, Blood Torment..

5. Quite a difficult geopolitical topic - wars in the East, gas in the blood, economic problems in South Latin America, elections in the USA soon. Does it have any impact on your band and you in your personal life?


* In economic terms, it ends up making things difficult, yes, after all, everything has a cost, but anyway, what can I do and continue working, doing what needs to be done and honoring our father Satan... we are here for war, no matter what happens.

6. Do you play live, if so what are your concerts like, what does it look like on the other side of the stage and when can we see you in Europe? 


* Not yet, for now the band is just me and Vocalist Terror Warlust, when we find a drummer I'll start planning shows .


7. I know that your scene is very different than in Europe or Continental Europe. What influences your overall inspiration or stage art? 


 * inspiration..starts from the beginning of what I believe is true Black metal 
Black Metal is a weapon of war for our freedom, against the Christian curse and its false God, against the weakness and submission that has been taught for centuries by the church and very well used by our politicians...
And always honor Satan our Father.


8. Finally, tell us where fans can find you on what websites and buy your CDs etc. 


* We are on all digital platforms ,Physical material you can find
Jems Label (United States),Trench Warfare (Turkia),Bandcamp 


9. Thank you very much for your time for the interview and roar with the voice of Lucifer's imagination!


* I am grateful for the opportunity to be here, it was an honor! 
And to the brothers of true Black metal, may Satan fill their souls and hearts with fire and infernal fury and eliminate the false and weak because Black metal is no place for them.

Satanic Empire


* portuguese 
E aos irmãos do verdadeiro Black metal que Satan encha suas almas e seus corações com fogo e a furia infernal e elimine os falsos e fracos pois Black metal  nao e lugar para eles!


seducer 2024y.

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